Kim Waddingham (61254) - BETA

Summary 2018-19

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
5 / 62
Last Match:
2086 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:


East Region


Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 653 641 -12
2016-17 577 597 20
2017-18 537 593 56
2018-19 534 563 29
2019-20 563 563 0
2020-21 563 563 0
2021-22 563 540 -23
2022-23 540 540 0
2023-24 540 540 0
2024-25 540 540 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Dudu Souleiman (948) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 WIN 530 20
Jose Torres (954) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 WIN 549 20
Irina Booth (893) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 WIN 550 15
Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 558 3
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Deborah Pallett (432) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 550 -4
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Chris Tuttle (1174) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 563 0
Kevin Sawyer (1024) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 563 0
John Barcroft (815) Shaw\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 566 -1
Lewis Budd (721) Shaw\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 566 -1
Andres Howson (716) Shaw\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 566 -1
Fuat Atas (1136) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 569 0
Maksim Larionenka (831) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 569 -1
Dino Capocci (524) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 569 -2
Jose Torres (954) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 WIN 549 20
Dudu Souleiman (935) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 549 0
Gileng Salter (1091) Shaw\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 553 0
Elaine Tuit (483) Shaw\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 553 -3
Andrew Reading (725) Shaw\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 553 -1
Adam Lamy (1027) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 553 0
Kevin Sawyer (1019) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 553 0
Clive Bailey (1030) Shaw\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 556 0
Michael Gardner (1092) Shaw\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 556 0
Laura Nenart (496) Shaw\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 556 -3
Robert Plumb (1063) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 556 0
Jose Torres (964) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 556 0
Les Edmunds (1108) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 556 0
Mark Seymour (1207) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 556 0
Syed Ali (1139) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 556 0
Elaine Fernback (865) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 556 0
Ben Hurring (1029) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 556 0
Steve Spelman (860) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 558 0
Patrick Memmi (749) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 558 -1
Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 558 -1
Kevin Sawyer (1011) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 558 0
Chris Tuttle (1142) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 558 0
Jose Torres (967) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 558 0
William Bowe (1010) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 560 0
Alan Bowe (590) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 560 -2
John Masters (957) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 560 0
Ben Dearman (912) Shaw\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 560 0
Nicholas Murray (813) Shaw\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 560 -1
Alex Burnett (-2) Shaw\Winter 2018-19 WIN 560 1
Sally Kemp (1013) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 560 0
Les Edmunds (1120) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 560 0
Mark Seymour (1192) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 560 0
Raul Popat (794) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 558 -1
Barnets\Winter 2018-19 WIN 558 3
Dillon Waterman (860) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 558 0
Chris Tuttle (1149) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 558 0
Kevin Sawyer (1000) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 558 0
James Pugh (1289) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 558 0
Sundip Tailor (995) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 561 0
Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 561 -1
Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 561 -2
Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 550 0
Deborah Pallett (432) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 550 -4
Irina Booth (893) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 WIN 550 15
Terry Hyman (1101) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 550 0
Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 550 0
Anthony Watts (865) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 550 0
Adam Lamy (1019) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 530 0
Jose Torres (963) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 LOSS 530 0
Dudu Souleiman (948) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2018-19 WIN 530 20
Manzar Rehman (1060) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 531 0
Victor Gordon (758) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 531 -1
Thomas McCann (908) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 531 0
David Wesson (690) Shaw\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 532 -1
Russell Sainter (910) Shaw\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 532 0
Mark Carveley (893) Shaw\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 532 0
Richard Wober (1167) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 534 0
Jennifer Sarner (554) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 534 -2
Ben Hurring (989) Barnets\Winter 2018-19 LOSS 534 0