Kim Waddingham (61254) - BETA

Summary 2019-20

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
2 / 45
Last Match:
1744 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:


East Region


Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 653 641 -12
2016-17 577 597 20
2017-18 537 593 56
2018-19 534 563 29
2019-20 563 563 0
2020-21 563 563 0
2021-22 563 540 -23
2022-23 540 540 0
2023-24 540 540 0
2024-25 540 540 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Neema Najian (661) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 WIN 564 6
Paul Birtill (582) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 WIN 560 4
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Dino Capocci (635) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 569 -2
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Patrick Memmi (927) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 563 0
Joshua Fernandes (1293) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 563 0
Chintan Bhayani (1132) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 563 0
David Madsen (1073) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 563 0
Nick Johns (1215) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 563 0
Barry Waterman (1116) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 563 0
Brian Ray (574) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 566 -2
Adrian O’Leary (832) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 566 -1
William Bowe (1095) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 566 0
Sally Kemp (992) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 566 0
Mark Seymour (1218) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 566 0
Les Edmunds (1122) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 566 0
Terry Hyman (1101) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 566 0
Anthony Watts (902) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 566 0
Joan Bayman (981) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 566 0
Dino Capocci (635) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 569 -2
Fuat Atas (1169) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 569 0
Maksim Larionenka (845) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 569 -1
Adam Lamy (1109) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 569 0
Robert Plumb (1076) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 569 0
Dudu Souleiman (985) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 569 0
Brian Marshall (1224) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 569 0
Simon Parker (1152) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 569 0
Dinesh Chouhan (1193) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 569 0
Keval Shah (1032) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 569 0
Joshua Fernandes (1304) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 569 0
Patrick Memmi (925) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 569 0
Neema Najian (661) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 WIN 564 6
Dillon Waterman (836) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 564 -1
Jose Torres (925) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 564 0
Mike Hislop (933) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 564 0
Barrie Mitchell (1106) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 564 0
Les Edmunds (1132) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 564 0
Alena Trimmer (1000) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 564 0
Sally Kemp (1011) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 564 0
Paul Birtill (582) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 WIN 560 4
John Forbes (1041) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 560 0
Terry Hyman (1108) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 560 0
John Critoph (940) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 562 0
Dino Capocci (557) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 562 -2
Fuat Atas (1168) Barnets\Winter 2019-20 LOSS 562 0
Dudu Souleiman (958) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 562 0
Robert Plumb (1044) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 562 0
Adam Lamy (1066) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 562 0
Michael Roberts (1154) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 563 0
Joanne Swain (861) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 563 -1
Nick Johns (1217) Cheshunt\Cheshunt And District Table Tennis League 2019-20 LOSS 563 0