Last updated 9th April-19
Normal Club activity
Mondays - All year, except Bank Holidays.
Junior Coaching 8pm - 10pm
Thursdays - September - April
League matches and practice 7.30pm -10.30pm
Fridays - September - March
League matches and practice 7.30pm -10.30pm
Thursdays - April - August
Practice and Summer League 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Fridays - April - August
Practice 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Saturdays - practice 10am - midday (£3 fee per player)
During the league season (September - April) practice tables are available for members and guests to use. Some Thursdays and Fridays three or more League matches are scheduled and no practice will be possible.
The dates when practice IS NOT available are:
Friday 23rd August - Wedding in large hall - preparation for event
Saturday 24th August - Wedding
Saturday 21st December - Dance Party
We will advise via email if there are any changes to Thursday or Friday schedules due to match rearrangements.
2019 Bank holiday arrangements including Easter, Christmas and New Year
Friday 19th April - Good Friday - Closed
Monday 22nd April - Easter Monday - Closed
Monday 6th May - Early May Bank Holiday - Closed
Monday 27th May - Spring Bank Holiday - Closed
Monday 26th August - Summer Bank Holiday - Closed
Monday 23rd December - Closed
Thursday 26th December - Boxing Day - Closed
Friday 27th December - Closed
Monday 30th December - Closed