Equality & Diversity
1.1. Table Tennis England is fully committed to the principles of equality of opportunity and takes its responsibility very seriously in ensuring that no one involved in table tennis whether a member of staff, a volunteer, participant or member receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
1.2. Additionally the organisation recognises that we live in a diverse society and will take all necessary steps to ensure that anyone participating in our sport in whatever capacity will be treated fairly and offered the same opportunities regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds.
1.3. Table Tennis England will encourage its affiliated clubs, leagues, county associations, regions, organisations in good standing and any other partner organisations to adopt and demonstrate their commitment to the principles and practice of equality as set out in this Equality and Diversity Policy.
2.1. Equality – is about making sure people are treated fairly and given fair chances, it is not about treating everybody the same way.
2.2. Diversity – is about recognising, valuing and managing difference and acknowledging that individuals have different needs which can be met in different ways.
3.1. Table Tennis England fully recognises its legal obligations, and will abide by the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and any later amendments to the Act or subsequent equality related legislation that may be relevant.
Table Tennis England:
4.1. wishes to act as an example for all its members and affiliated organisations for equality and diversity and will work to influence and promote good practice throughout table tennis in England.
4.2. will ensure that the responsibility and accountability for equality is placed at the most senior levels of the organisation with the Chief Executive having overall responsibility and accountability for the effective implementation of this policy, and the Senior Management team monitoring the effectiveness through the Safeguarding and Ethics Manager’s reports. Table Tennis England commit also to appointing a member of staff at senior management level to lead on Equality and Diversity.
4.3. will include equality and diversity into all aspects of its work with reasonable steps being taken to ensure that all staff, volunteers. Consultants and contractors etc are committed to this policy.
4.4. will ensure that no job applicant or employee receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of any protected characteristic – see 1.1
4.5. will work to ensure that there will be open access to all those who wish to participate in sport and that they are treated fairly.
4.6. is committed to ensure that all individuals are able to conduct their table tennis related activities free from bullying and harassment and has implemented a policy for dealing with such matters (see Anti Bullying and Harassment Policies).
4.7. Is committed to sports equality which is about:
Fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising differences and taking steps
to meet them
Changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally
accessible to all members of society
Making sure all individuals can realise their talent and fulfil their potential
An individual’s responsibility to challenge discriminatory practice and
promote inclusion.
5.1. Direct Discrimination – occurs when someone is treated less favourably than another person because of a protected characteristic (1.1)
5.2. Indirect Discrimination – occurs when there is a condition, rule or practice which applies to everyone but particularly disadvantages people who share a protected characteristic (1.1)
5.3. Harassment – engaging in unwanted conduct relating to a relevant protected characteristic (1.1)or unwanted conduct of a sexual nature where the conduct has the purpose or effect of violating the recipient’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for the recipient, or any other individual affected by such conduct. It also includes the right for individuals to raise an issue that they find offensive even if it is not directed at them.
5.4. Bullying – the misuse of power or position to criticise persistently or to humiliate and undermine an individual’s confidence.
5.5. Victimisation – when someone is treated badly because they have made or supported a complaint/grievance about discrimination or harassment under the Equality Act 2010, or are suspected of either making or supporting such a complaint/grievance. An individual is not protected from victimisation if they acted maliciously, or made or supported an untrue complaint/grievance.
5.6. Table Tennis England regards discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation, as described above, as serious misconduct. All complaints will be taken seriously and appropriate measures including disciplinary action may be brought against any member who unlawfully discriminates against, harasses, bullies or victimises any other person.
Table Tennis England will:
6.1. make a copy of this policy available to view and download on its website which makes it clear that all individuals have responsibilities to respect, act in accordance with, support and promote the spirit and intentions of this policy.
6.2. ensure that this policy is an integral part of the recruitment, induction and on-going training for all staff.
6.3. recognise that it has a duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled people. It will consider all requests for adjustments and where possible will accommodate reasonable
requests and work with disabled members and staff to implement any adjustments that will
enable them to participate more fully in table tennis related activities.
6.4. ensure that consultants, contractors, partners, agents, advisors etc are appointed fairly and
equally and are directed to this policy on the website and will be required to demonstrate
their commitment to the principles and practices of this policy.
6.5. strive to achieve the appropriate equality standards as guided by Sport England/UK Sport.
6.6. continue to support an Equality Action Plan within which specific roles, responsibilities and
resources are allocated. Progress against the plan will be monitored by the Safeguarding and Ethics Manager and reported to the Table Tennis Board through the Senior Management Team at least twice per year and then in the Annual Report along with supporting statistics and data.
6.7. ensure all managers are required to set an appropriate standard of behaviour, lead by example and ensure that those they manage adhere to this policy and promote the organisation’s aims and objectives with regard to equality and diversity.
6.8. encourage individual’s involved in our sport not to discriminate against or harass any other individual in the course of their duties or role.
6.9. make individuals aware that they can be held personally liable as well as Table Tennis England, or instead of, for any act of unlawful discrimination. Individuals who commit serious acts of harassment may be guilty of a criminal offence as well as gross misconduct. There is no limit on compensation for unlawful discrimination.
7.1. Table Tennis England may take positive action in the form of proportionate measures to encourage or train people from under-represented groups to apply for jobs, overcome a perceived disadvantage or meet specific needs based on a protected characteristic (1.1).
7.2. Table Tennis England will produce, maintain and monitor an Equality Action Plan to ensure the objectives of this Equality and Diversity Policy are consistently delivered throughout all areas of the organisation.
8.1. This Policy will remain in force until it is amended, replaced or withdrawn and will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Safeguarding and Ethics Manager along with the Equality Action Plan.
9.1. To safeguard individual rights under this Equality and Diversity Policy any member who believes that they have suffered inequitable treatment within the scope of this Equality and Diversity Policy may raise the matter through the appropriate procedure (i.e. the employee grievance procedure for employees (see Staff Handbook) or the complaints procedure (see Rules Booklet on website) for non employees).
9.2. An individual raising an employee grievance will not be penalised for doing so even if it is untrue provided it is made in good faith.
9.3. As with all grievance and disciplinary procedures, the final point of appeal relating to this policy is Table Tennis England’s Appeals Committee.
Issue One: August 2014