Clubs > Crookes YMA Table Tennis Club
Venue: Rear of 140 Crookes, Sheffield S10 1UH.
Bus service 52 to Wesley Hall Church. Club is opposite bus stop through the double
gates with digital lock. The club room is at the rear of the yard and up the stairs.
Please ensure that away players have a contact number for a home team player to
allow access to the club area.
Bus service 52 to Wesley Hall Church. Club is opposite bus stop through the double
gates with digital lock. The club room is at the rear of the yard and up the stairs.
Please ensure that away players have a contact number for a home team player to
allow access to the club area.
Team Name | League | Captain |
Crookes A | Winter 2024-25 | Steve Chu
Crookes B | Winter 2024-25 | Steve Chu
Crookes C | Winter 2024-25 | Christopher Mortimer
Crookes D | Winter 2024-25 | Ian Burnell
Crookes E | Winter 2024-25 | Christopher McHale
Crookes F | Winter 2024-25 | John Helliwell
Crookes G | Winter 2024-25 | Kenneth McIntosh