Match Report

A great match with some epic encounters. After the first four games which
were extremely tight affairs playing out 19 sets of a possible 20, we were
forced to double up and play the rest of the singles and doubles on two
tables. But even doing that, it  STILL wasn't enough to finish on time and
unfortunately, Brixham had to concede the last two games which were
promising to be exciting finishes with Ben coming back against Allen and
Martin/Alan likewise against Nick/Stuart.

So, a potential 7-3 victory to Brixham ended up in a 5-5 draw.

But, hats off to all the players - everyone was on top form - Nick's 0
points didn't reflect his performance in any way. It was a brilliant night
of TT - very competitive and very enjoyable. Nice to see the twins back at
their old stomping ground!


Written by: Alan Maynard
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