Useful Information
Sunderland League venue
Arrival Instructions
Team contact is John Cook 0191 4886645, 07876 022703,
From Durham: A691 to Lanchester. As you arrive at
Lanchester take the left hand turning and then immediately
right into the village main street. Centre 200 yards
on left opposite Black Bull.
From Armfield Plain: Come to T junction (Durham-
Consett Road), turn left, then first right into village. Follow
road round to the left. Centre on right.
Lanchester take the left hand turning and then immediately
right into the village main street. Centre 200 yards
on left opposite Black Bull.
From Armfield Plain: Come to T junction (Durham-
Consett Road), turn left, then first right into village. Follow
road round to the left. Centre on right.
Team Name | League | Captain |
Lanchester Centurions | Winter - 24-25 | Reuben Emery
07443 507826
Lanchester Cohorts | Winter - 24-25 | Val Monteith-Towler
077868 36223
Lanchester Praetorians | Winter - 24-25 | Jeffrey Singleton
07983 826428