Match Report


The last game of the season has been played and the big question has been revealed, yes it is official that West CAC have been doomed to the 3rd. tier of the league before Sunderland AFC , which puts more pressure on Chris Coleman.

The only set won by West against St. Gabs D when Alan overcome Gary Anderson after losing the 1st end 11-6 but then winning the following 3 ends, Alan’s game against Istavan Soos was the best match of the night when Istavan survived 2 set points in the 5th end to win 13-11. Istavan won 3 sets Garry 2sets and the Player of the Match was David Snowdon who overcame all the West team without losing an end, so well done David, we wish he had a bike so we could let his tyres down.

So it’s goodbye 2nd division and hello the 3rd we might never pass this way again.

Gan Canny and will write again next season, Alan

Written by: Alan Whitwham
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