Match Report

West CAC played their 1st match of the season against Silksworth IM with hope of doing a Sunderland, but alas we played like we did last season and lost 2-8. West lost the 1st four sets, despite a good effort by Michael Hepworth against Bob Sanderson losing in 5 ends, just when the home crowd were getting upset up steps their old idol Alan Whitwham. You could sense the tension in the room but Alan and Jason Garrett delivered the goods by overcoming Bob and Howard Brown in a very tight 3 ends, so well done Jason and Alan, this was the start of the fight back when Jason defeated Alan Bickle  3 games to 2, but so sadly it ended there as West lost the last 4 sets,

I must give praise to Michael for his effort but no reward, the Player of the Match was Bob Sanderson so well played Bob.

Well till the next match,

Gan Canny Alan

Written by: Alan Whitwham
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