Match Report

As I sat watching the match Silksworth IM against West CAC my mind  went back to Christmas past and saw a younger version of me playing in division 1, and then it was Christmas present and I was playing in league 2, all of a sudden it went black and I was transported to Christmas in the future and saw a old man in division 3 and he looked like me.

That was as good as it got for me when I lost all my sets to Howard Brown and his famous bat, David Craddock and Alan Bickle with Michael Hepworth following my example but Jason Gargett came to West’s aid when he overcame Howard and David that made the score 8-2 in the home side’s favour.

Alan Bickle beat Jason, so that made him Player of the Match, so well played Alan.

Gan Canny,

Tiny Tim Alan, Bah Humbug

Written by: Alan Whitwham
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