Division 2 > Match Card
Home Player Away Player Games Score
11-3 11-2 11-5 1-0
0-11 0-11 0-11 0-1
11-5 11-8 11-7 1-0
0-11 0-11 0-11 0-1
11-8 11-7 11-4 1-0
11-3 11-9 11-8 1-0
11-5 11-9 11-8 1-0
0-11 0-11 0-11 0-1
6-11 11-8 11-7 11-8 1-0
8-11 11-7 12-10 11-9 1-0
Submitted By: Frank Booth :: Approved By: Frank Booth :: Completed By: Frank Booth 7 - 3

Match Report

A long time ago back in the mist of time a Magic man asked a young Howard Brown what he would most like in the world and the reply was a magic table tennis bat, so the Magic man waved his wand and made this happen.

When West CAC travelled to Houghton to play Bethany C.C. our team of Michael Hepworth, Alan Whitwham and Howard Foster were all overcome by Howard and his bat and he only dropped one end to Michael, who had a 45 to 50 stroke rally, so well done to both.

Graham Sleep not to be outshone by Howard also won all his sets but by surprise he lost his 1st end to Alan so well done me and thanks to Graham for letting me win an end, I think he could see the tears in my eyes. Howard and Graham defeated Alan and Michael in 3 ends in the doubles. West fought back by taking 3 sets off the player who was not there.

Well Player of the Match with his magic bat was Howard Brown, so well played Howard.

Gan Canny,


Written by: Alan Whitwham
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