Home Player | Away Player | Games | Score |
4-11 7-11 7-11 | 0-1 | ||
5-11 3-11 3-11 | 0-1 | ||
11-7 11-9 3-11 2-11 6-11 | 0-1 | ||
4-11 5-11 3-11 | 0-1 | ||
5-11 5-11 5-11 | 0-1 | ||
8-11 11-8 9-11 7-11 | 0-1 | ||
9-11 4-11 4-11 | 0-1 | ||
7-11 4-11 6-11 | 0-1 | ||
6-11 6-11 4-11 | 0-1 | ||
9-11 11-6 10-12 6-11 | 0-1 | ||
Submitted By: Frank Booth :: Approved By: Frank Booth :: Completed By: Frank Booth | 0 - 10 |
Match Report
This was the worst result of the season, and all players should bow their heads in shame with the performance against Rotherham on Saturday.
If you thought that was bad West CACs display against the Nomads was worse! When the Nomads wandered into West looking for help, we gave them all the points so therefore CA C lost10 – 0, so well played the Nomads, and they left at the end of the night to continue their wanderings to wreak havoc in other places.
Joe Perrin, Alan Atkinson, and the old man of the river Stuart Anderson went home happy thanks to Michael Hepworth, Alan Whitwham, and the evergreen Howard Foster. The match was nearly spoilt by Alan when he played like his old self by winning the first 2 ends, only to go back to this season’s form allowing Stuart to fight back in the last 3 ends to have a good win.
The Player of the Match was Alan Atkinson so well played Alan.
Our performance could be summed up in the words of our PM Boris, “warf warf warf ………” so as you see we didn’t do so bad after all.
Gan canny