1 Title

1.1 The title of the Club shall be the West Chiltington Table Tennis Club and the Club will be based at the Village Hall, West Chiltington, Sussex.

2 Purposes

2.1 The organisation, promotion and development of the sport of table tennis by any means beneficial to the membership of the Club and the public.

2.2 To promote the mental, physical and social wellbeing of the members.

2.3 To co-operate with other bodies having similar aims.

2.4 To obtain, collect, receive and administer money and funds for these purposes on a not-forprofit basis.

3 Membership

3.1 Membership shall be open to all persons who subscribe to the "Purposes" above, who shall abide by the constitution. "Members" are those persons who have paid the subscription rate for the year prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting in January each year.

3.2 All members of the Club are equally liable for club debts incurred during the period of their membership regardless of the length of such membership.

3.3 A member or group of members may be asked to resign or an application for membership or renewal of membership be refused or be dealt with in such a manner as may be determined by the Committee.

3.4 Members of the Club whose conduct is inappropriate or who decline to abide by any of the rules or guidance notes, may be expelled or suspended by a resolution of the Committee and their entrance fee and subscriptions may be forfeited. Members shall have the right to appeal in person to the Committee with regard to any decision affecting themselves, provided that notice of such appeal be submitted to the Secretary, in writing, within seven days of the notification of the decision.

4 Register

4.1 The Club Secretary on behalf of the Committee shall keep a register of current membership Including address and telephone contact information.

5 General Meetings

The Annual General Meeting shall be held once in each calendar year to transact the following business:-

5.1 To receive and consider the adoption of the accounts for the last preceding year as approved by the Treasurer and an Independent Examiner (if appointed) or otherwise the Club's Chairman.

5.2 To elect or approve the method of election of the Committee for the period until the next Annual General Meeting.

5.3 To receive confirmation from the Secretary that the Club has in force valid accident and indemnity insurance and details of such protection.

5.4 To endorse the recommendations of the Executive Committee for the subscription rates for the forthcoming year.

5.5 To deal with any special matter which the Committee wishes to bring before the members and to receive suggestions or complaints from members for consideration by the Committee.

5.6 No motion shall be proposed, brought forward or discussed at any Annual or General Meeting unless previously notified to the Secretary fourteen days before the meeting. Every proposition intended for discussion at an Annual or General Meeting must bear the names of both proposer and seconder and shall be in the form of a resolution.

5.7 EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETINGS shall be called by the Committee at its discretion or following a written request in the form of a resolution signed by not less one fifth of the total number of members. The resolution with re-amendments shall be the only business transacted at such a meeting. Such meetings shall require no less than fourteen days’ notice.

5.8 VOTING AT GENERAL MEETINGS: Each registered member present whose fees are fully paid up to the date of the meeting shall have one vote except for the Chair Person who shall have a second or casting vote in the case of equality of votes.

5.9 Six shall constitute a quorum of an Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting at least two of whom shall be Officers of the Club defined in paragraph 6.1.

5.10 In accordance with the Objective at 2.2 above, a Welfare Officer shall be appointed annually from amongst the membership by the Executive Committee and the appointment reported at the AGM.

6 Executive Committee

6.1 A Committee elected annually by the members and consisting of no more than six members including the Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer shall manage the business and affairs of the Club. The named posts should be regarded as the "Officers" of the Club.

6.2 Nominations for each Committee post must be proposed by a member and seconded by a different member.

6.3 The Committee shall meet from time to time as may be necessary.

6.4 Members of the Committee shall not receive any pecuniary advantage by reason of their controlling interest in the Club.

6.5 A resolution in writing, signed and agreed to by not less than three Committee members shall be as valid.

6.6 Four shall constitute a quorum of a meeting of the Executive Committee at least two of whom shall be Officers of the Club defined in paragraph 6.1.

7 Dissolution

7.1 A motion to dissolve the Club may only be made at an Extraordinary General Meeting called for the purpose and to succeed shall require the approval of at least two thirds of the members present and entitled to vote.

In the event of dissolution, any surplus funds, property or assets shall be given or transferred to some other organisation or organisations having objectives similar to the purposes of the Club. Such organisation or organisations shall be determined by a simple majority of the Club members at or before the time of dissolution. lf effect cannot be given to the foregoing provisions then the assets may be disposed of for charitable purposes subject to the approval of any grant aiding authorities concerned.

8 Amendments to the Constitution

8.1 This Constitution may be amended by motion at an AGM in accordance with Clause 5.6 or by an EGM called in accordance with Clause 5.7. An alteration to the Constitution will require a two thirds majority vote at the appropriate meeting.

8.2 The AGM or Executive Committee shall have power, by a simple majority vote, to co-opt additional members to the Executive Committee of the Club. Co-opted members may share the functions of any named officer (with or without an official title). Such co-opted members shall only have voting powers at a Committee meeting in the absence of the designated officer to whom they are acting as Assistant, Deputy or Shadow.


Original Constitution adopted unanimously (or by a majority vote) at the Annual General of West Chiltington Table Tennis Club on 25th of January of 2002 in the presence of nine members and the Club Chair Person, the Club Secretary and the Club Treasurer.

Addition of section 3.4 approved unanimously at the EGM on 2nd June 2006.

Addition of reference to the Honorary Independent Examiner at section 5.1 and Welfare Officer at 5.10 was approved by The Executive Committee and recommended for inclusion on the AGM Agenda (December 2024)

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