Crosby Masters 2017
To be held at Crosby High School,15 De Villiers Ave, Liverpool L23 2TH
Commencing at:
9.30am – Qualifier Event
7pm – Masters Event
TOURNAMENT DATE – Friday 18th August 2017
Please return this form to the Organiser: Ryan Jenkins, 30 Leicester Road, Bootle, Liverpool, L20 9BR.
CLOSING DATE – Monday 14th August 2017
Please include an email address for acknowledgement.
The competition is a mixed Men’s & Women’s event.
If events are over-subscribed entry will be on a first come basis.
Seeding will be done from the latest Table Tennis England ratings list (July 2017).
Players will be guaranteed a minimum of 4 matches. There are no ranking points for this event.
The 4 semi-finalists from the main event will qualify for the Evening Masters event with 4 Elite players already selected, to make 8 players for the Masters starting at 7pm.
Decisions of the organiser are final on all matters.
Player name (in capitals please)
Post Code
Tel No Email:
Date of Birth
I agree to be bound by Table Tennis England byelaws and regulations of the competition (available on request and on the website)
- Please note if you have not received an acknowledgement the day after entry deadline, please email the organiser to check your entry has been received to avoid disappointment
- The cost to enter the event is £10.00. This also includes a ticket for the Evening Masters (starting at 7pm)
- Cheques to be made payable to ‘Formby Table Tennis Centre’
- Food & Refreshments will be available for purchase throughout the day