Chairman Jim Bolton
Secretary Sandra Moss
Results Secretary David Mawdesley
Treasurer Paul Siney
Committee Mike Crook, Chris Garfin, Allan Pickford,
Apologies for Absence: Paul Melling, John Hughes
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30 p.m.and there were more than 20 attendees
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and reported as follows:
TTE (Table Tennis England) had recently held their AGM and there had been voting on a number of rule changes, two of which were crucial in obtaining the 11 million pounds funding from Sport England. These being that that the Board will decide how the membership fees are charged and then distributed out to leagues for the next 3-5 years and also to have more representation on the Board of knowledgeable table tennis players. So this will increase from 3 to 4 Board members.
In the Wigan League, we had 3 divisions last season –
Prem Division- 7 teams
Div 1- 9 teams
Div 2 – 9 teams
(25 teams in total)
We relaxed the rule for playing reserves and we will be looking at that rule again for this season. Hopefully we will have enough teams this coming season to move forward.
The Individual Knockout competitions were held at Platt Bridge at the beginning of April with a slightly reduced number of competitions due to venue availability and weeks available.
Nothing to report
The up to date accounts were circulated at the meeting:
Opening Balance £5539.21
Closing Balance £5254.03
The major cost this year was the purchase of 2 sets of trophies. One set for the pre-covid season when we were not able to hold a presentation event and one set for this last season.
An interesting note is that in 2007 the league had just over £1,500 and now our balance is significantly more than that.
Nothing to report as all matches went to plan
Winners of the divisions this season were
Premier – Warrington Jets
Div 1 – Mawdesley TTC
Div 2 – Heinz 57 Club
The teams to be promoted and relegated will be decided by the Committee.
The proposals for changes/additions were debated and voted on as follows:
‘The Annual General Meeting will be held at the end of the season in March or April so that it is compulsory attendance for all teams and carries a twelve point penalty for non-attendance.’
Proposal: Remove this last line
Proposer: David Mawdesley
It shall be considered the responsibility of a team changing its secretary, address, contact details, headquarters, or match night to notify the League Secretary and the secretary of all other clubs in the league, in writing, of the changes.
Proposal: To add - to also notify ‘the Webmaster’
Proposer: David Mawdesley
Proposal 1:
Revert to original pre-Covid rule below
‘Each team registered shall pay an entrance fee of £80 (£90 if paid after the end of October)’
Proposer: David Mawdesley
*And add
‘This shall also include all entrance fees for the Individual Knockout Competitions’
Proposer: Sandra Moss
Proposal 2:
For this season only due cost of living rise (to be reviewed each season)
Reduce entrance fee to £60 per team
Proposer: Allan Pickford
Proposal 3:
Add ‘There is a £5 discount for each Junior player (up to a total of £20 in a team)’
Proposer: Sandra Moss
Proposal: Change the wording of the rule written in red (temporary) to black (permanent)
‘The League also requests that players pay their own individual TTE Membership Fee (which includes an element of insurance). This fee is compulsory if players wish to play for any of the town teams.’
Proposer: David Mawdesley
Teams playing ineligible players will forfeit the league points, and if the match is a cup match, then the teams will be disqualified from the competition.
Proposal: ‘Teams playing ineligible players will forfeit the league points scored by that player in singles and doubles and if the match is a cup match the team will be disqualified.’
Proposer: David Mawdesley
Teams may call on reserves from the same or lower division on any number of occasions and can be up to two reserves per match. There is no limit on the number of times a player may play for a team other than their own registered team.
Proposal 1: To make this a permanent rule (change from red to black) and so remove the clause ‘For season 2021/22 this rule is amended’
Proposer: David Mawdesley
Proposal 2: To add ‘However a player may not play for more than one team on the same night’
Proposer(s): David Mawdesley/Allan Pickford
Proposal 3: To add ‘ However a player may not play for more than one team on the same night unless its at the same venue’
Proposer: John Walsh
If a team concedes or fails to turn up for a league match, the Executive Committee will adjudicate on the probable result/match score. The offending team’s match score will then be reduced to zero and, in addition, the offending team will also be deducted 18 points in the league table. All points deducted (for any reason) will be ignored when calculating handicaps.
Proposal: ‘If a team concedes or fails to turn up for a league match then the other team should get all 30 points without any point adjudication from the Executive Committee.’
Proposer: Valdas Semiotas
CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY – and to also add the the rest of the sentence ‘All points deducted (for any reason) will be ignored when calculating handicaps)
All Committee members were re-instated for next season but Paul Siney did inform the meeting that this would be his last season to run for Treasurer.
How was the first season back after Covid Restrictions?
Allan Pickford asked those present what they thought of the League/Division format
of Premier - 7 Teams, Division 1 – 9 Teams and Division 2 – 9 teams and wanted to know what the Premier division thought of playing significantly less matches which meant them starting the season late and finishing early. It was generally felt it had been alright but more matches would have been preferred. It has always been difficult to increase the size of this division a player suggested an idea to import some teams from another League. This suggestion was shelved for the time being as it may be difficult to manage.
There appeared to be more concern about Div 1 and 2 which were felt to be too large with too much difference between the top and bottom teams in each. It was requested if we could look at maybe making smaller divisions and playing teams more times.
It was also recognised the the relaxing of the ‘reserves’ rule had greatly enabled the league to work this season.
Do we run the League Handicap Competition this coming season?
It was felt that we should see how many team applications are received and what the configuration of the divisions will be before it was decided if there are enough weeks to run this.
Lancashire & Cheshire Vets Team
John Walsh asked the Chairman if there will be a Lancashire & Cheshire Vets team for the coming season. Jim replied that there is an attempt to resurrect this. He also pointed out that there is a lot of travel and players need to commit to this but it is a very good competition and that if anyone was interested to let him know.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending the meeting.
Chairman Jim Bolton
Secretary Sandra Moss
Results Secretary David Mawdesley
Treasurer Paul Siney
Fixture Secretary Tim Holland
Committee Martin Machin, Mike Crook, Chris Garfin
Absent: Gary Chadwick
Apologies from: Steve Carnaby, John Hughes, Paul Clark, Allan Pickford
Teams not represented: Standish B, Rainford Spin, Rainford Storm, Wigan Eagles,
Wigan Piethons, LSG Titans, LSG Slayers
The Chairman opened the meeting at 8.00 p.m.and asked for a minutes silence in memory of Tom Siney who had recently passed away. Tom was a true gentleman and was a long serving player in the League.
There were more than 30 attendees at the meeting which was a similar attendance to last year’s AGM.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and then read out his report as follows:
This season commenced with 3 Divisions and a total of 35 teams (one less than last season). Division 2 had 11 teams and Divisions 1 and 3 had 12 teams.
Division 1 has seen the Jets team winning the League by a significant margin from Standish A team. Excellent individual permormances by Pawel Orzechowski and George Lennon for the Jets. Pawel achieving a win percentage of 96% throughout the season.
Division 2 was won by Poolstock Pirates with almost a match in hand over the Wigan TT Club team the Piethons, who had in Daniel Watkinson the leading player of the season.
Division 3 came down to the last match of the season between LSG Knights and the Wigan TT Club Blades, Blades coming out top after an excellent victory over Knights to ensure top spot in the League. The leading player in this Division was David Lawless who has developed significantly throughout the season and is becoming a real prospect for the future.
The League Knockout competition is at a final stage for both the Cup and Plate sections and the finals are to be played at Platt Bridge Centre on Tuesday 24th April. Heinz will play Rainford Smash in the cup final and Jets will play Standish B in the plate final. I will leave the issues and our concerns surrounding the competition until later in the meeting.
The Individual Knockout competitions were held at Lowton High School on Sunday 18th March after agreement to this approach was made at the pre-season meeting in August 2017. This item is on the agenda for further discussion later. My comment at this stage is that this was the first time in many years we have tried to run this competition on one day during the weekend instead of over 6 or 7 nights in a two week period. Attendance was disappointingly low but some excellent table tennis was seen on the day.
Lancashire & Cheshire Veterans. The League put 3 teams in this competition this season. The first team run by Paul Clark, the second by Geoff Pye and the third by myself. Following last season’s success, the second team were promoted to Division 1 and have ended up bottom of the table with the first team coming fifth. The withdrawal of 2 teams from the division has made the outcome of the League in the 1st division worse than anticipated. The third team struggled to maintain the standard and finished at the bottom of the league. These veteran matches are very competitive and enjoyable with players spending time after matches to have some refreshments and hospitality of the home team. More players are needed to sustain this commitment so anyone wishing to play let me know before we enter teams next season.
The Cadets continue to make excellent progress with the 2 Cadet teams winning their respective leagues in the National Cadet League, winning Divisions 1 and 2. A superb achievement for them and significant credit to the team of coaches who are working with the players at Wigan Table Tennis Club and to the parents for their continued support.
A Team – Daniel, Frankie, David and Andrew
B Team – Kate, Thomas and Matty
Leigh St George Club. I must also add my appreciation to the developnment work
Chris Garfin and his team are carrying out at Leigh St George where this year’s Finals and Presentation Night is being held on 4th May 2018. The Club is growing and its involvement with the community is developing. Also new premises are coming on stream for the Club which will give Chris and his team much more available facility to develop the activities.
Rainford Club also continues to grow with over 80 registered players and their open access approach to the retirees who play for leisure and enjoyment from the surrounding area is a credit to the teams.
Wigan Invitation Champions Challenge will take place on Friday 11th May at Leigh St George. Pawel will be representing the Warrington League and is in the Wigan final on 4th May so either Pawel or George Lennon will represent Wigan on the 11th.
My thanks are due to the Committee for their support throughout the season, especially to Sandra who has guided me through my first, if not turbulent, year as Chairman. My thanks also go to David Mawdesley who as Webmaster and Results Secretary has had almost as many comebacks as Mohammed Ali. I know that this year David will relinquish his role on the Committee and this will leave us some difficulties to administer the League next season. It is my intention to establish captains entering their match results directy onto the website as many other leagues now do this. It will require some training over the summer period to prepare for this change but I am confident that it can be achieved with effort and support from the teams and clubs.
The Secretary informed the meeting that a number of Team Application Forms for next season had been circulated but that these would also be sent out to Team Captains by email. Sandra also pointed out that there was a new section on the form due to the new EU Data Protection Law for which we now have to have a person’s written permission to allow their personal contact details to be shown on the website and that this would need to be completed on the form.
The Treasurer informed the meeting that there had been very little income so far and that there were still some outstanding expenditures to consider i.e. trophies, buffets for League finals night and Presentation night and also some outstanding income for KO Competition fees and sale of tickets for Finals night (which were now available).
It was also mentioned that the League usually donates £50 to a charity of choice following the death of a member and that we had been asked to donate to Dr. Naqui’s charity in respect of Tom Siney and Terry Chadwick.
He then continued by submitting his report of accounts, a summary of which is shown below:
Summary of the accounts:
Balance brought forward £3827.66
Total Income £2866.00 (incl. League Fees, Advertisements & TT Balls)
Total Expenditure £1979.03
(incl. Nat. Jnr Comp fees, Handbook & Scorecard printing, Lancs TTA membership, Results Sec. expenses, Vets match catering, Lancs. Vets fees, TT365 fees, Donation to Wigan Hospice, Hire of venue/equipment for KO comps, Room Hire Platt Bridge)
Balance BF from last year £3827.66
+ Income from this year £2866.00
- Total expenditure £1979.03
- Cash in Bank £4714.63
It had been the best season for scorecards being received on time apart from this week when one scorecard for the Chasers was still missing.
David then remarked how disappointing it had been in the League Cup competitions this season with some teams having only 2 players and many conceded matches. It was pointed out that if we had known about all the concessions we would not have needed a preliminary round.
David Southworth added that generally teams did not want to play on a Friday night.
David Mawdesley responded that he felt that to give up a Friday night on maybe one occasion to play in the competition was not too much to ask.
He then informed the meeting of the new GDPR Law which comes into effect on 28th May 2018 when all personal contact details cannot be displayed unless we have the person’s written consent. Unfortunately all personal details will be removed from our TT website on 28th April and at the moment it it not clear if this data will be permanently removed or just hidden so that we can reinstate in the future.
The proposals for changes/additions to 2 rules were debated as follows:
Amendments/additions are in RED
If a team concedes or fails to turn up for a league match, the Executive Committee will adjudicate on the probable result/match score. The offending team’s match score will be reduced to zero and in addition the offending team will also be deducted 18 points in the league table. All points deducted (for any reason) will be ignored when calculating handicaps.
If a team concedes or fails to turn up for a league match and incurrs a cost to the home team for the unused premises – (what penalty/charge?)
ADDITION REJECTED – Proposed P. Aisnworth/ Seconded J. Wolohan
New rule (Rule 38)
If a team concedes or fails to turn up for a cup match – penalty/charge?
The Chairman reported that two of the current Committee did not wish to be considered for re-election, namely David Mawdesley (Results Secretary) and Paul Clark.
A lengthy discussion then took place when it was decided that each Team Captain would be responsible for entering their match results on the website but this would be monitored by a Results secretary for each division to whom the actual scorecards would be sent.
Ian Pemberton then asked if website training would be given to the Team Captains and the Chairman responded that it would.
Kevin Hayes pointed out that some of the Rules would need to be changed in respect of this so another meeting would need to be called to do this.
The Chairman also nominated David Goulden (not present at meeting) to do the initial web administration for next season as he did this for the Warrington league and had extensive knowledge of the process. It was also agreed that Paul Clark could continue to enter Wigan Junior information on the website and Sandra Moss to enter notices and other news.
Those present then voted on the election / re-election of Officers as following:
Chariman Jim Bolton
Vice Chairman John Hughes
General Secretary Sandra Moss
Treasurer Paul Siney
Fixture Secretary Tim Holland
Committee Members Martin Machin, Chris Garfin, Gary Chadwick,
Mike Crook, Steve Carnaby
Results Secretaries for each League (for submission of scorecards and website overview)
Tim Holland (1st Div)
Martin Machin (2nd Div)
Chris Garfin (3rd Div)
Welfare Officer Sandra Moss
Match Claims &Disputes Paul Siney
Appeals Officer Jim Bolton
TT365 Webmaster TimHolland
TT365 Membership Mgr Tim Holland
TT365 Finance Officer Paul Siney
TTE Reporting Officer Steve Carnaby
Vets Team Secretary Jim Bolton
It was also hoped that Allan Pickford would once again tackle setting out the League fixtures when the teams have been submitted for next season. (Teams to be submitted by 31st July 2018).
Individual KO Competitions
The Chairman then asked for comments on the recent KO Competitions as there had been a disappointing turnout on the day. He went on reinstate why Lowton School had been chosen as a venue in preference to Wigan Youth Zone. The reasons being that all the equipment was already onsite at Lowton whereas all the tables and barriers would have had to be transported to Wigan Youth Zone and removed afterwards involving van hire and volunteers. Also the parking facilities were not good. George Lennon added that he had been approached on the availability of Lowton School premises because of equipment availability, access to the premises to set up the day before and ample free parking.
Tim Holland commented that the event had been poorly supported and there then followed a discussion as to the reasons for this. The Secretary informed the meeting that the main reason for the low attendance appeared to be that it was on a Sunday which, unfortunately, also coincided with a Wigan football match, the Wigan 10K run and two national junior competitions. Also generally people did other activities on a Sunday. The Secretary pointed out that this date was selected in August 2017 to fit into the season’s schedule and that at the time the Committtee were unaware of clashes with other events which was unfortunate.
Mike Crook then presented a breakdown of a questionnaire he had circulated to his Club as to why his members had not participated and the two main reasons were other sporting events and ‘not interested’. He then suggested that each of the four large Clubs in the League (Wigan, Standish, Leigh and Rainford) held one of the KO events. This seemed to be a good suggestion but further debate then raised the question of how/where to run the other competitions (Hard Bat, Vets, Handicap) and what if a player has entered more than just his/her divisional Singles/Doubles.
Ian Pemberton then stated that, like himself, players did not want to turn up to the event and play just one game and be knocked out and asked if the competition could not be in a round-robin format instead of a straigh knockout. The Chairman replied that this year’s competition had been run as a round-robin but this was because there were so few entrants and so this was possible in the time constraints of the day.
John Wolohan remarked that players needed some incentive to enter as it was a foregone conclusion that the top players win every year and Peter Ainscough replied that players needed to be able to enter 2 or 3 competitions each and that maybe a handicap competition for each division would help to encourage more participation.
Tim Holland also added that long waiting times inbetween competitions did not help as he had experienced at the recent copetitions when waiting for other players to finish their games. The Chairman replied that unfortunatley this was sometimes unavoidable if certain players were in a number of events.
Kevin Hayes suggested that maybe we hold the competitions at a different time in the season to which the Chairman replied that there were a number of time constraints to consider when deciding the date i.e. Finals/Presentation night, Champions Challenge night and at what point in the season to hold, if doing handicap competitions, to get the best overall view of a players handicap for the season.
After this lengthy debate it was proposed that the only way to ascertain what members really wanted and to be able to make a decision on how to proceed for next season was to circulate a questionnaire. A further meeting would be required to decide on the content of this questionnaire and how to communicate this to all our members.
This action was then proposed by Tim Holland and seconded by Martin Machin.
League Knockout Competition
The Chairman suggested that to avoid a high rate of matches being conceded in the competition that teams should state at the beginning of the season if they wish to participate.
Peter Ainsworth replied that it would be better if teams had to state that they did not wish to participate.
It appeared that many of the conceded matches were the Friday night ones and the Chairman replied that Friday night matches were unavoidable as unfortunately some teams only had venue availability on that night. The Secretary then suggested that maybe to avoid so many concessions, it should be left to the two teams playing each other to decide on a mutually acceptable day and venue in the alloted week that the match had to be played.
Everyone was thanked for their attendance and the meeting closed at 9.40pm.
Chairman Jim Bolton
Secretary Sandra Moss
Results Secretary David Mawdesley
Fixture Secretary Tim Holland
Vice Chairman John Hughes
Committee Martin Machin, Mike Crook, Chris Garfin, Allan Pickford
Absent: Steve Carnaby
Apologies from: Paul Siney
Teams not represented: Cotton Kings
The Chairman opened the meeting at 8.00 p.m.and asked for a minutes silence in memory of Debbie Roocroft a very helpful and enthusiastic lady who had given great team and club support and Bob Ramsdale a past player and also Committee member for many years.
The Chairman then welcomed everyone to the meeting and reported as follows:
We have started this season well but that is not to say it has been without a few problems and we may have to look at some rule changes at the AGM. For this season the Committee will have to continue to enforce all current rules.
This season commenced with 3 Divisions and a total of 30 teams (5 less than last season). We had a 9, 11 and 10 team configuration in the divisions which was not the ideal situation and this will be discussed later in the meeting.
Nothing to report.
In the absence of the Treasurer the Secretary read out his report.
‘An up-to-date statement from the bank is not yet available but since November ’18 there are no outstanding income items. There are only a couple of bills for the Vets matches outstanding so the League has just over £4,900’.
This has been the best season yet for results coming in. Also thanks to the League in assisting with the purchase of a new printer.
TT365/TTE Changes
The Results Secretary then went on to give an update on the possible future changes to the TT365/TTE systems and how it may affect our League.
At the moment there are 2 systems that interface:
TT365 – the League Manager to set up teams and players – currently free – and
provided by TT365
TTE – the Membership Manager to manage subscriptions etc. and owned by Table Tennis England
TT365contract with TTE is up for renewal in July this year and much to the astonishment of TT365, the current agreement is not going to be offered for renewal by TTE. In the future the League Manager provider is changing to Sports80 and this system will no longer be free. At the moment it is not known how this change will impact on individual leagues/players with regard to cost and ease of use.
Also another company Capital 1 will be the new national trophy supplier.
There than followed a lengthy discussion and comments on how difficult it was to find out any further information on the subject and what would happen to our archived data. Also that a large majority of leagues were not in favour of this change as it was felt that if the future solution was not user friendly or too expensive then leagues would just not bother using it and try to find their own solution which in itself would be a regressive step as the current systems worked well.
The Chairman commented that some leagues/teams in the Lancashire area are not registered with TTE and do not use the current systems and this means that they are unaffiliated and cannot play against other registered (affiliated) leagues/teams/players. David Goulden confirmed this point.
David Mawdesley agreed to keep the League informed of any further developments on the subject and that a further meeting would be required to discuss this before the start of next season.
The Mini League for Season 2018/19
The Chairman informed the meeting that it has been decided at the pre-season Committee Meeting that something should be done for Divisions 1 and 3 to give them more matches due to the imbalance of teams in the three divisions and to introduce a mini league that would give these two divisions 4 extra matches and so prevent them having a considerably shortened season. Points in these extra matches were not to be counted in the League points.
A handicap arrangement would be provided and the format be decided by the Committee.
Also to accommodate this arrangement in the 1st Division an additional team would be temporarily formed comprising of eligible players from Leigh St. George Club.
A vote was put to all present who represented teams affected and a large majority were in favour of the Mini League.
It was asked why the League had got into the situation of 3 unequal divisions resulting in a much shortened season for many teams. It was explained that the League had already lost 5 teams this season and to prevent the loss of a further team who did not wish to play in their anticipated division an exception was made but this subsequently caused considerable fixture headaches. Those present generally felt that in future a team who was not in a position for relegation or promotion should not be accommodated in this way if it resulted in the current situation.
George Lennon also commented that teams will not play in Wigan if they only have a short season because of lack of teams and will opt to play in other leagues.
There were also come comments on the pros and cons for handicapping and Tim Holland pointed out that the handicapping was necessary to give the bottom teams a chance.
The Chairman closed the discussion by commenting that as there were no major objections to the Mini League that we should go ahead with it.
Individual KO Competitions
The Chairman informed the meeting that the League still intended to run all of the competitions shown on the entry form but if there were not enough entrants for some of them then those competitions would not go ahead. Depending on the number of competitions that will run it may be struggle venue-wise so if any other venues could be available that week commencing 11th March ’19 that would be appreciated.
Please support the event and send your entrant forms to me as soon as possible so that we can get a feel for numbers and then allocate dates/times to each competition. Anyone interested in helping with the administration would also be appreciated.
Lancashire & Cheshire Vets.
The League again entered 3 teams this season and thanks to all the players who given their support. There are some long journeys to venues and late finishes to matches and some teams have dropped out this season but it is competitive and enjoyable. There is usually time after matches to have some refreshments and meet other players. More players are needed to sustain this commitment though so any player over 40 who would like to play please let me know and we can register you for next season.
TTE Umpires
The Chairman advised that TTEngland are always looking for people to train as Umpires. They are also looking for younger entrants to take the course. There are many events, normally at weekends, that require qualified Umpires and it gives you a chance to see how table tennis is developing and to see some really top class matches.
InterLeague Competition and Bat & Chat Event
George Lennon informed the meeting of the next InterLeague Competition on Sunday 20th January 2019. A well supported event with a round robin format so you are guaranteed 7 matches playing people of a similar standard, as you are grouped as to your league percentages. There are prizes and trophies.
Also starting on the 18th January 2019 is a ‘Bat & Chat’ event at Dayton Sports Club. This will be every Friday from 1-3pm open to anyone.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.50p.m.
The next meeting will be:
Chairman Jim Bolton
Secretary Sandra Moss
Results Secretary David Mawdesley
Fixture Secretary Tim Holland
Vice Chairman John Hughes
Committee Martin Machin, Mike Crook, Chris Garfin, Allan Pickford
Absent: Steve Carnaby
Apologies from: Paul Siney
Teams not represented: Cotton Kings
The Chairman opened the meeting at 8.00 p.m.and asked for a minutes silence in memory of Debbie Roocroft a very helpful and enthusiastic lady who had given great team and club support and Bob Ramsdale a past player and also Committee member for many years.
The Chairman then welcomed everyone to the meeting and reported as follows:
We have started this season well but that is not to say it has been without a few problems and we may have to look at some rule changes at the AGM. For this season the Committee will have to continue to enforce all current rules.
This season commenced with 3 Divisions and a total of 30 teams (5 less than last season). We had a 9, 11 and 10 team configuration in the divisions which was not the ideal situation and this will be discussed later in the meeting.
Nothing to report.
In the absence of the Treasurer the Secretary read out his report.
‘An up-to-date statement from the bank is not yet available but since November ’18 there are no outstanding income items. There are only a couple of bills for the Vets matches outstanding so the League has just over £4,900’.
This has been the best season yet for results coming in. Also thanks to the League in assisting with the purchase of a new printer.
TT365/TTE Changes
The Results Secretary then went on to give an update on the possible future changes to the TT365/TTE systems and how it may affect our League.
At the moment there are 2 systems that interface:
TT365 – the League Manager to set up teams and players – currently free – and
provided by TT365
TTE – the Membership Manager to manage subscriptions etc. and owned by Table Tennis England
TT365contract with TTE is up for renewal in July this year and much to the astonishment of TT365, the current agreement is not going to be offered for renewal by TTE. In the future the League Manager provider is changing to Sports80 and this system will no longer be free. At the moment it is not known how this change will impact on individual leagues/players with regard to cost and ease of use.
Also another company Capital 1 will be the new national trophy supplier.
There than followed a lengthy discussion and comments on how difficult it was to find out any further information on the subject and what would happen to our archived data. Also that a large majority of leagues were not in favour of this change as it was felt that if the future solution was not user friendly or too expensive then leagues would just not bother using it and try to find their own solution which in itself would be a regressive step as the current systems worked well.
The Chairman commented that some leagues/teams in the Lancashire area are not registered with TTE and do not use the current systems and this means that they are unaffiliated and cannot play against other registered (affiliated) leagues/teams/players. David Goulden confirmed this point.
David Mawdesley agreed to keep the League informed of any further developments on the subject and that a further meeting would be required to discuss this before the start of next season.
The Mini League for Season 2018/19
The Chairman informed the meeting that it has been decided at the pre-season Committee Meeting that something should be done for Divisions 1 and 3 to give them more matches due to the imbalance of teams in the three divisions and to introduce a mini league that would give these two divisions 4 extra matches and so prevent them having a considerably shortened season. Points in these extra matches were not to be counted in the League points.
A handicap arrangement would be provided and the format be decided by the Committee.
Also to accommodate this arrangement in the 1st Division an additional team would be temporarily formed comprising of eligible players from Leigh St. George Club.
A vote was put to all present who represented teams affected and a large majority were in favour of the Mini League.
It was asked why the League had got into the situation of 3 unequal divisions resulting in a much shortened season for many teams. It was explained that the League had already lost 5 teams this season and to prevent the loss of a further team who did not wish to play in their anticipated division an exception was made but this subsequently caused considerable fixture headaches. Those present generally felt that in future a team who was not in a position for relegation or promotion should not be accommodated in this way if it resulted in the current situation.
George Lennon also commented that teams will not play in Wigan if they only have a short season because of lack of teams and will opt to play in other leagues.
There were also come comments on the pros and cons for handicapping and Tim Holland pointed out that the handicapping was necessary to give the bottom teams a chance.
The Chairman closed the discussion by commenting that as there were no major objections to the Mini League that we should go ahead with it.
Individual KO Competitions
The Chairman informed the meeting that the League still intended to run all of the competitions shown on the entry form but if there were not enough entrants for some of them then those competitions would not go ahead. Depending on the number of competitions that will run it may be struggle venue-wise so if any other venues could be available that week commencing 11th March ’19 that would be appreciated.
Please support the event and send your entrant forms to me as soon as possible so that we can get a feel for numbers and then allocate dates/times to each competition. Anyone interested in helping with the administration would also be appreciated.
Lancashire & Cheshire Vets.
The League again entered 3 teams this season and thanks to all the players who given their support. There are some long journeys to venues and late finishes to matches and some teams have dropped out this season but it is competitive and enjoyable. There is usually time after matches to have some refreshments and meet other players. More players are needed to sustain this commitment though so any player over 40 who would like to play please let me know and we can register you for next season.
TTE Umpires
The Chairman advised that TTEngland are always looking for people to train as Umpires. They are also looking for younger entrants to take the course. There are many events, normally at weekends, that require qualified Umpires and it gives you a chance to see how table tennis is developing and to see some really top class matches.
InterLeague Competition and Bat & Chat Event
George Lennon informed the meeting of the next InterLeague Competition on Sunday 20th January 2019. A well supported event with a round robin format so you are guaranteed 7 matches playing people of a similar standard, as you are grouped as to your league percentages. There are prizes and trophies.
Also starting on the 18th January 2019 is a ‘Bat & Chat’ event at Dayton Sports Club. This will be every Friday from 1-3pm open to anyone.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.50p.m.
The next meeting will be:
Chairman Jim Bolton
Vice Chairman John Hughes
Secretary Sandra Moss
Results Secretary David Mawdesley
Treasurer Paul Siney
Fixture Secretary Tim Holland
Committee Martin Machin, Mike Crook, Chris Garfin, Allan Pickford
Teams not represented: Cotton Club
The Chairman opened the meeting at 8.00 p.m.and there were more than 30 attendees at the meeting which was a similar attendance to last year’s AGM.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and then read out his report as follows:
This season commenced with 3 Divisions and a total of 30 teams (5 less than last season). Division 1 had 9 teams, Division 2 had 11 teams and Division 3 had 10 teams and because of the uneven distribution of teams per division the Committee decided to run mini leagues for the 1st and 3rd Divisions to extend their season.
Results this season
Division 1 has the Warrington Jets team out in front from Standish A. Excellent performances by Jet’s George Lennon and Pawel Orzechowski (who achieved a win percentage of 98%). Division 2 will be Standish B over a following group consisting of Titans, Rainford Smash, Wigan Wolves, LSG Dragons and Heinz. The leading player in matches won is likely to be Ian Wolstenholme from LSG Titans
Division 3 has been won by Wigan Thunder with Andrew Lovelock being the leading player.
The League Knockout competition
The finals for the League Handicap and Plate finals are now decided.
Handicap Cup Final Wigan Thunder v LSG Raiders
(Monday 15th April 2019 at Hindley St Peters Pavilion)
Handicap Plate Final LSG Slayers v Rainford Smash
(Wednesday 17th April 2019 at LSG)
The Individual Knockout competitions were held at Platt Bridge during w/c 11th March.
11 events were ‘shoe horned’ into 5 nights and all events attracted enough entrants to ensure they were all able to be run. We had just over 60 entrants which dropped to 55 due to non-attenders.
The events were administered all through the week by myself, Sandra and Allan Pickford with help from David Mawdesley, Tim Holland, Chris Garfin and David Goulden. 7 of the events were played to a finish on their respective nights and 4 event finals were left for the finals night, namely 1st Division Singles, 2nd Division Singles, Juniors and Hard Bat.
Lancashire & Cheshire Veterans. Wigan League put 3 teams in this competition this season. The first team run by John Walsh, the second by Geoff Pye and the third by myself. The first team is looking likely to win Division 1 and be promoted to the Premier division next year.
The second team were mid table in Division 1 and unfortunately the third team have lost all their matched to date but are not bottom of the division. With 2 matches to go we can probably get one place higher.
The veteran matches are very competitive and enjoyable with players spending time after matches to have some refreshments and hospitality of the home team. More players are needed to sustain this commitment so anyone wishing to play let me know before we enter teams next season.
Juniors & Cadets
Junior British League in Derby – highest level available for Juniors in the country
- the team coming runners up in Division 3.
National Junior League Garstang – regional level - the team came runners up
National Cadet League in Garstang – regional level – the team were winners with a very young but talented group of players
Wigan Table Tennis Club will be starting the annual Summer training shortly and any Juniors within the league are welcome to come down for extra training (dates tbc). A big thank you to Paul, Tony, Bob and Tim for their work with the teams and individuals joining the club.
Leigh St George Club. I also add my appreciation to the development work
Chris Garfin and his team are carrying out at Leigh St George where this year’s Finals/ Presentation Night is being held on Friday 3rd May 2019. The Club is growing and its involvement with the community is developing. Also new premises at The Mill are now up and running for Club training but matches will still continue to be played at LSG Miners club.
Rainford Club also continues to grow with 81 registered players and their open access approach to the retirees who play for leisure and enjoyment from the surrounding area is a credit to the
Warrington Jets Club will be moving to Culcheth (Daten) Club next season.
Wigan Invitation Champions Challenge will take place on Friday 24th May 2019 at Leigh St George. It is the 10th anniversary of the Wigan event and will see the winners from the last 9 years returning to take part in what will be a superb spectacle. Your support will be much appreciated.
Many thanks to the Committee for their support throughout the season, especially to Sandra who has guided me through mysecond year as Chairman and to Allan for his work on the fixture arrangements he undertakes each season. My thanks also go to David Mawdesley as Webmaster/Results Secretary and to all the other players and officials who have worked hard to ensure the league is well organised.
Nothing to report
The Treasurer informed the meeting that we are making £500 to £600 per year.
He then continued by submitting his report of accounts, a summary of which is shown below:
Summary of the accounts:
Balance brought forward £4714.63
Total Income £2865.00
Total Expenditure £2682.98
(** outstanding Expenditure still to be added for Vets match catering and outstanding Income to be added for Finals night tickets)
Cash in Bank £4896.65
The Results Secretary reported that there had been no penalties for late score cards this season. Only had to remind a couple of teams not to photograph the card on a psychedelic background. Thank you to all team Captains for getting the cards in and enabling me to keep the website up to date.
Division 1 – 1 match conceded
Division 2 – 2 matches conceded
Division 3 – No matches conceded
Far fewer players played for teams other than their own during the season. 17 players in all played for other teams of which 8 of these did so only once.
The League Handicap went well with only 2 conceded matches – 1 in the Cup and 1 in the Plate.
The handicaps generally were spot on, culminating in 2 semi finals at LSG where one team won by 1 point and on the other table the team won by 2 points. There were a couple of anomalies but this is unfortunately unavoidable sometimes depending on the draw.
However, at the start of the season with 3 divisions of 9,11 and 10 we decided to form mini leagues for the 1st and 3rd divisions so they would not end their season weeks before Division 2.
We did ask teams if they were in agreement, as I had received several adverse comments, but the meeting did vote to go ahead. This was to be a handicapped league based on league positions and team members from the main competition.
Unfortunately we did not make it clear whether the rules for the main league would be carried over and this caused some confusion and anomalies.
The setting up of these mini leagues took a great deal of effort and in my opinion they have not been taken seriously and should not be considered as an option in the future.
Other comments from those present:
Walter Green – asked what was the penalty for those who conceded matches in the League Handicap.
Jim Bolton replied that some Leagues imposed fines and Alec Almond added that teams who concede should be made to pay for any room hire costs that may have been incurred. Sandra informed the meeting that in order to avoid many conceded matches teams had been given the option of not taking part in the Leage KO competition this season but only a couple of teams had actually opted out.
Martin Cook commented on the League formats and asked if it would not be better having a smaller 1st Division consisting of the ‘cream’ teams who play each a number of times and a bigger 2nd and 3rd Division.
Jim Bolton replied that players did not want to play each other 3 or 4 times a season.
Some of the team/club captains also announced that they hoped to enter extra teams next season and Sandra also advised the meeting that she had received an enquiry from a new Club in Skelmersdale who wanted to enter 2 teams in the 3rd division.
The proposals for changes/additions were debated as follows:
RULE 34 – Postponing Matches
Current Rule
All fixtures shall be played on the match night set out in the League fixture list. No game may be postponed without prior permission of the Fixture Secretary where considerations will be given to reasons of 1) the unavailability of playing premises, or 2) players involved in a town team match on the night that the match should have been played, or 3) exceptional personal circumstances of a serious nature. In respect of scenarios 1) and 2) permission to postpone should be made by the home team/opposing team secretary at least 7 days in advance with the Fixture Secretary notifying both teams of the decision at least 48 hours before the game is to be played.
Proposed Changes (submitted by Martin Machin) – as it was felt that the current rule was quite rigid and although we are a very efficient League sometimes other things get in the way of a game like illness and a little more flexibility without effecting the running of the League would be an improvement.
ADD to Rule 34
‘One postponement per team allowed without recourse, with the approval from the Fixture Secretary’
MAJORITY VOTED TO ACCEPT (4 against and 2 abstentions)
New rule (Rule no. tbc)
‘Allow teams to play games earlier than the scheduled date with agreement from the other team – there to be no limit on bringing games forward (Fixture Secretary to be notified of changes)’
On receiving the resignation of Steve Carnaby thanks was expressed to him for over 10 years on the Committee in a variety of roles and for his service to the League. Best wishes were sent by all to Steve for the future.
Following Steve’s resignation, Sandra Moss was elected to take over the role of Company Member/TTE365Reporting Officer.
**Addendum – Following the meeting we were made aware of the resignation of Tim Holland from the Committee and David Mawdesley will now combine his role of Results Secretary with that of Fixture Secretary.
All other Committee members were re-instated for next season.
Kevin Heyes thanked all the Committee for their help over the season.
TTE/TT365 Situation
The Results Secretary then gave an update of this situation as follows (abridged version):
Wigan & District Table Tennis League has been in existence since 1933 and the ETTA formed in 1927 and rebranded as TTE in 2014.
- ETTA was an unincorporated association and its members had meetings and voted on motions/proposals
- TTE is a limited company run by a board of directors who make all the decisions and only accepting proposals from affiliated teams or clubs
In 2010 the ETTA introduced individual memberships and gave a contract to TT365 to set up a Membership Manager system and at this point it became compulsory to be a paid member of ETTA. At the same time TT365 also set up a League Manager system which completely revolutionised setting up fixtures and recording scorecards. It provided us with a website that did everything. The cost of producing and running both systems was paid by ETTA and individual membership fees were paid by the players.
The current position is:
- TTE asked for tenders for the provision of a Membership Manager system as from August 2019 when the current contract ends
- TTE awarded the new contract to Sport 80 and not TT365 – for reasons not clear at the moment
- TTE365 negotiations with TTE had broken down (again for reasons not clear) and if there is no resolution TTE365 servers would be shut down on 1st August 2019
We now have the following options/scenarios:
- Agreement many be reached between TTE and TT365 and situation will remain as it is – this is unlikely as TTE will not be able to/wish to opt out of its new contract with Sport 80
- TTE might agree to pay TT365 for League Manager – again unlikely both from a cost point of view and practicality of integrating the two systems from different providers
- We can hope that TTE will reduce their individual membership fee by £7 per person and this amount paid to TT365 to continue – again unlikely as this proposal will probably never reach the Board even though it is supported by a number of leagues
- No agrement will be reached and TT365 will shut down on 1st August 2019 – this is the most likely scenario and we would be given the option of accepting this new system which TTE say they can have up and running in time for the new season!
- The final option is the drastic one – that Wigan League become unaffiliated from TTE - This would mean that if you only wanted to play your table tennis in the Wigan League you would not need to pay TTE membership fee but if you wish to play in other affiliated leagues you would have to pay. However Wigan could no longer take part in inter-league competitions such as the Vets. The money then saved by players not paying TTE membership could go towards paying for a private League Manager program, be that TT365 or any other on offer.
We are now unable to make any decision until we know exactly what is going to happen but the fact is that some decision will need to be made soon and this decision will affect all members of our league. It may only be financial, but it could be more, and League rules will probably have to be changed going forward.
Do we call an EGM when we have all the facts or can this meeting tonight give authority to the Committee to go down whichever path it chooses?
The meeting voted that an EGM should be called if the decision is going to involve further costs to players/the League.
Comments from those present:
Paul Clark expressed concern that if Wigan League decides to disassociate from TTE that players would leave the League.
Tim Holland added that the statement from TTE said that they will provide a system for next season
Dave Goulden also advised the meeting that all our records do belong the League and not TT365.
Other Competitions
13/14th April at Blackpool – Under 12s National Competition – showcasing the top 10 boys and girls in England
Tables for Sale
If you are interested contact George Lennon who has 4 match table for sale
Raffle Prizes for Presentation Night
All donations welcome – please see Paul Siney
Everyone was thanked for their attendance and the meeting closed at 9.25pm.
Chairman Jim Bolton
Vice Chairman John Hughes
Secretary Sandra Moss
Results/Fixture Secretary David Mawdesley
Committee Martin Machin, Chris Garfin, Allan Pickford
Apologies for Absence: Paul Siney (Treasurer)
Absent: Mike Crook
Representation from 22 Teams in the League (out of a possible 30)
The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed all present. He then briefly outlined the purpose of the meeting which was to discuss and vote on the TTE/TT365 position. He then introduced Tom Purcell
who was to give a summary of the situation on behalf of Table Tennis England which would then be followed by remarks from 3 Committee members of their views of the situation.
TOM PURCELL SUMMARY (TTE Representative and Administrator for Liverpool League)
Chris Dangerfield (TT365) had 2 contracts with TTE for both systems - the Membership Manager and League Manager. Both of these contracts were up for renewal and went out to the public for bids. Chris put in a bid for the Membership Manager but did not get it – this going to Sport 80. For the League Manager (TT365) Chris was approached by TTE but he did not reply so the Board decided they had to do something and so accepted a bid for a new League Manager system SportPad from Rocco Creative (a partner of Sport 80) to be up and running for the new season ( by July 2019). Eventually Chris got in touch with TTE with a £7 per head figure bid. This price was not acceptable so nothing was agreed and the TT365 contract terminates at the end of July 2019. Can TTE be held hostage by one supplier?
£7 per head could not be justified to spend on something we have spent only £1.65 on in the past.
The new League Manager program will be no different from the one we have now and there will also be and additional app to enable results to be entered on your phone. Each League will be able to set up its own website and also there will be an email facility.
Some of the proposals for the next TTE AGM will be Voting entitlement changes, the annual subscription fee to remain at £16 and the ‘Oldham’ proposal. If the ‘Oldham’ proposal was to be accepted (which is for TTE to reduce their fee to £9 and £7 goes back to the member) then TTE would lose around £40,000.00 per annum and many programs would have to be reviewed and also some of TTE’s funding may at risk.
If a League chose to disaffilate from TTE further revenue would be lost but that League would lose
certain benefits including insurance and their players would not be able to take part in any competitive TTE events or apply for grants.
Q and A’s following the above summary
What would happen to our Juniors if we decided to disaffiliate from TTE?
Tom - They would not be able to play in any TTE competitions if they did not have TTE membership. Also a few players who play in more than one league may end up paying more in fees.
What happens to all of our history on TT365 since 2011?
Tom - TT365 cannot use our data without our permission. For this season’s data you can export on CSV or HML files. For previous season’s data you have to copy and paste into a word document.
You have a very short timescale to implement this new system and leagues are not confident that this can be achieved.
Tom - TTE is already working with the new supplier to have the system up and running by July.
Tom was thanked for attending and for his summary and the Chairman then requested him to leave so the meeting could continue.
There then followed summaries by 3 Committee members:
Tom has given a well presented piece of information but this is murky waters and we are not sure what is going on in TTE or with Chris Dangerfield.
Chris has a cracking product and I wrote to Sara Sutcliffe (CEO of Table Tennis England) in its defence and what it meant to local leagues to which I got a reply which did not really answer any of my questions/concerns.
Regardless of who is right and who is wrong to put all our faith in this Rocco product (incidentally Rocco is a strategic partner of Sport 80 who are providing the Membership Manager) is somewhat risky.
We need TT365 to stay alive for the next 12 months to see if the new product is OK. If the new product is no good at least we still have TT365. We get a choice!
I agree with Martin in that TT365 is brilliant. Leigh St George started in 2012 and we have always used 365 and we have all our statistics on there. Copy, paste and put in a file does not work. Players will not be able to look at this as it will be in an archive somewhere.
LSG have spent about £3000 with TTE since 2012. We got insurance and 365 for that, so it has cost about £2000 to have 365 for all those years. The fact is that TTE has done nothing apart from giving us TT365. I won’t be able to use TT365 for our summer league this year and so I am having great difficulty finding an alternative to enter our fixtures and results.
I do not want to disaffiliate from TTE but we should give TT365 one more year. If the new system is OK then we can swap over.
DAVID MAWDESLEY SUMMARY (League Administrator/Results &Fixture Secretary)
TT365 has not gone yet! But regardless of what has gone on before and who is right or wrong TTE has stopped the contract. Chris Dangerfield needs to know what the chance of keeping 365 is going to be by 16th May. TT365 has been the second best thing to happen to Wigan League since its formation. I am totally satisfied with what they have done and TT365 has been more useful to us than TTE has ever been. We can quite happily go along in our League without TTE but I am fearful that TT365 will not get enough support to continue.
Q & A’s and comments following the above 3 summaries:
Who introduced us to TT365 in the first place?
Answer - Steve Rowe via TTE
What if we support the ‘Oldham’ proposal?
Comment - whether we do or don’t 15000 members will be required to keep TT365 going.
What if Chris Dangerfield gets less than 15000 members - will the price be increased?
Comment - it was anticipated that unless Chris got this number he would not proceed but there was no further update on this.
Comment - it was felt that going forward Chris would probably not require 4 employees if no further or minimal development work was required. Being able to enter the results of KO competition was on his to do list but that would probably now not be completed.
If the 365 League Manager and website goes (under our current membership fee) why should individuals have to pay any additional cost for a system in the future?
Comment - There may be number of ways we can look at to pay/fund the cost to retain TT365.
Comment - David Goulden (Administrator for Warrington League / Secretary Lancashire County)
Remarked that TT365 was a good system and that he had vested interest in this for the County Championships but that if Wigan League disaffiliated from TTE because of 365 then they would no longer be a member of Lancashire County and also could not take part in the Vets league and other competitions.
He also informed the meeting that Chris Dangerfield had been the Chairman of the British League but no longer held this position because of his conflict of interest.
One vote per team representative
VOTE 1 – Does the Wigan League support TT365 or not?
20 votes for / 1 vote against / 1 abstention
VOTE 2 – Does Wigan League support the ‘Oldham proposal’?
( to submit to TTE’s AGM the proposal that they reduce the fee paid to TTE by £7. If this is
passed , then next season your players will pay £9 to TTE and it will be your League’s choice
whether to subscribe to TT365 for £7)
5 votes for / 16 votes against / (1 abstention – voter left the meeting)
- If YES the Company member is required to submit our vote according
VOTE 3 – Does Wigan League de-affiliate from TTE and continue to use TT365
VOTE 4 – Will Wigan League continue to affiliate to TTE (using the provided League Manager System)?
NOT VOTED ON – Awaiting result of TT365 outcome
VOTE 5 – If circumstances substantially change going forward is the Committee empowered to
make a decision on the League’s behalf or do we hold another EGM?
David Mawdesley to inform Chris Dangerfield of our TT365 support.
Sandra Moss to inform TTE of Wigan vote not to support the ‘Oldham’ proposal.
Following the TT365 survival decision on 16th May 2019 the Committee may have to make a further decision on the League’s behalf.
The meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.
Proposer …………………………… Seconder …………………………… Date………….
Chairman Jim Bolton
Secretary Sandra Moss
Results/Fixture Secretary David Mawdesley
Vice Chairman John Hughes
Treasurer Paul Siney
Committee Martin Machin, Mike Crook
Absent: Chris Garfin
Apologies from: Allan Pickford
Teams not represented: Wigan Wanderers, Wigan Wolves, LSG Titans
Exclusions (Teams with matches): Wigan Phoenix, Wigan Raiders,
Wigan Eagles (Vets)
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30 p.m.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and reported as follows:
He informed the meeting of the death of Geoff Rushton who was on the Lancashire Committee and was a coach for many years and many would know his son Andrew Rushton who also played. Geoff was in his late 80’s and his funeral was to be at Worsley tomorrow.
Congratulations were given to David Lawless who had completed his first level coaching qualification and was probably one of the youngest to achieve this in the country. Well done David.
TTE are promoting Coaching and Umpiring and would like to see a qualified coach and umpire at each Club. Official TTE coaches and umpires can also volunteer for other events in the TTE calendar.
Also First Aid training should be a consideration for every Team/Club.
This season Wigan League have had 4 divisions and we have now completed the first stage of the season so feedback will be taken on this new league formulation at the end of the meeting.
Nothing to report.
An up-to-date statement from the bank is not yet available but we have in the bank £5,129.21 having paid the Vets and Lancashire TT Association fees of £500+.
There are still a few outstanding payments for team subscriptions and after today the team subscription will increase from £80 to £90. Generally our finances are looking good and we make approx. £300 to £400 per annum so if any team/club needs financial assistance please contact us.
No deduction of points to any team for cards received late and there have been no significant errors on scorecards.
Still have a few issues with how the scorecard image appears when sent to me and it would be appreciated if you could send the cards with a white background of crop the image to suit.
Also just to remind you that if you do not record your doubles partnerships this will be entered at number 1 & 2 playing and so will alter player’s averages. Please check the website and check the results entered and contact me if you see any errors or omissions.
So far this season 12 players have played a match for another team that they are not registered with.
To remind everyone that the coming week will be the first League handicap competition fixture. You can see the draw and how this is scored on the website. There is no doubles match in this competition and each set is played to 4 games, making 36 games in every match. The lower placed team has a 172.5 start (the 0.5 point being used if there is a draw).
The Chairman asked if there were any comments about the new 4 division split this season.
There being no comments offered for discussion he thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 7.55 p.m.
The next league meeting will be: