The Handicap Cup first round is in week commencing 5 November 2018. One team has expressed a wish not to take part as is allowed in League rules. The rest of the teams will play as per the format shown in the cup rules. The "opposite" team to the one mentioned above will get a bye.
This season, because of the divisional set up, when it comes to making the draw, not all teams will have played the same number of games but the draw will be made on the league positions after seven league matches. Any team not having played seven games will have an average number of games ( based on matches already played) added to their total points to establish a notional league position for the purpose of the draw.
Any penalty points incurred are discounted for league position in Handicaps.
The draw will be posted on the website as soon as possible after the last result has been received in week commencing 22 October.