Tribute To Alf Fox by Keith Adams on behalf of the Brentwood and District Table Tennis League

The Brentwood & District Table Tennis League is very saddened to learn that Alf Fox has recently passed away at the age of 90.

I'm personally very saddened by Alf's passing. He was incredibly welcoming and helpful to me when I decided to return to the sport after many years out, and when I started running teams. I'll remember him as being always cheerful and nothing being too much trouble if help was needed, especially in organising teams. It's no exaggeration to say that I doubt I'd still be playing if it weren't for him and his encouragement and support, in my case along with that of Brian Cole. 

Much of his Committee work was before my return to Table tennis around 2009 so I don’t have exact dates, however it's clear he did a tremendous amount for the league as chair and committee member. I can recall him also running the league website for many years in the days pre-TT365, including writing weekly reports when it was far more time consuming. I'm pretty sure he had quite a role in the tournaments too, as well as running Billericay Sports as a whole.

Alf had a tremendous energy, and pursued many interests outside of table tennis. These included family history, jazz, history (especially of the East End), golf and following his beloved West Ham United.

Alf was also a true family man, and would often talk of them with great love and pride.

I’ll conclude with these words from Marilyn Bawden, longtime league and Billericay Sports member. Many will concur with her sentiments.

“I have many fond memories of Alf in my time playing for Billericay Sports in both the Chelmsford and Brentwood leagues. He was the driving force of both the club and the Brentwood league and without his passion and commitment neither would have been successful. Alf had a way of inspiring everyone to ‘give a bit more’ and with his great sense of humour he was the ideal person to motivate club and league participation.”

The League would like to record their condolences to his family and many friends, he will be missed by many.


Author: via Brentwood Table Tennis League
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