Originally from Wimbledon, Mike originally moved to Hastings in 1984. He moved away in 1992 before returning to the town in 2005.
(see picture on the Gallery menu and currently on home page)
Simon Newstead
Originally from Wimbledon, Mike originally moved to Hastings in 1984. He moved away in 1992 before returning to the town in 2005.
(see picture on the Gallery menu and currently on home page)
Simon Newstead
The Hastings & District Table Tennis Association has been in existence since 1928.
The League currently consists of three Divisions accommodating a wide range of playing abilities.
If you are interested in playing in the league, playing socially, joining a club or finding out about coaching opportunities, please contact the appropriate person shown on the Contacts/Organisation or Contacts/Clubs & Venues menus.
David Watters (Chairman)
01424 430533 (h)