The Hastings & District Table Tennis Association’s individual handicap competition, the Woodward Handicap Cup, took place in March at Hastings Academy and Hollington Table Tennis Clubs.
From the session at Hastings Academy Chris Floyd and Phil Talbot, both from Tackleway TTC and who play in Division 3, together with Dan Quinn-Graham from Hastings Academy and another Division 3 player, won through to the finals.
At the Hollington session five players won through to the finals: Trevor Fountain and Pete Shoesmith from Hollington TTC, both Division 3 players; Bob Lowe from Monarchs TTC and a Division 2 player, Danny Rickaby from Tackleway TTC, also a Division 2 player, and Dave Watters from Hastings Academy, another Division 3 player.
The final session was held at Hollington TTC on Saturday 25 March. In the semi-finals Phil Talbot beat Pete Shoesmith 21-13, 21-13, having received 5 points in each game, and then Trevor Fountain defeated Chris Floyd 21-12, 21-13, who gave Trevor a 5 point start.
The final saw Phil triumph over Trevor by 21-12, 21-14: as both players were on the same handicap each game started at 0-0.
Mike Funnell, President of the Association, made the presentations.