I have to inform you of some restrictions to the club opening for coaching and practice during August and September, due in part to Trevor Towner being away for several weeks. The club will be closed on certain nights so, in the interest of our members, the reluctant decision has been taken to open to members only on some nights.
Please take some time to review the schedule below and pass it on to any friends who are not on the club mailing list:
w/c Mon 12/8, w/c Mon 19/8 and w/c Mon 26/8 (3 weeks)
Tues No Junior training
Club open 18:00 – 22:00 MEMBERS ONLY
The Saturday Sessions, which have to be pre-booked time slots, will recommence on Saturday 31st August. Trevor returns from holiday on 29th August, so bookings for the 31st should be made through Centre Manager Paul White, if you are booking before the 29th.
Tuesday and Thursday sessions will recommence on Tuesday 3rd and Thursday 5th September at the normal hours.
Tuesday Junior Training will recommence on 3rd September, which means juniors will be given priority on tables up to 19:15.
Throughout September, non-members will be welcome from 19:45 on Tuesdays and from opening time on Thursdays.
*** UPDATE ***
Due to high demand, throughout September Tuesday practice sessions will continue to be restricted to club members only.
Thursday sessions will be open to members from 18:30 and non-members from 19:45.
Open sessions are available on Saturdays. Please book through 07854 670683.
Brian Busbridge