Important Notices


Wren Cup 1st Round now concluded - in the final match, St Georges beat Flamstead 1st by 23 points.

Draw for 2nd Round matches and Wren Plate 1st Round - see document below. Matches to be played during week commencing 9th December 2024.

Wren Cup 2024-25 2nd Round Plate 1st.docx

Usual rules apply. Result cards to me please, by 31st December.

Good luck to all concerned.

Geoff Walke

Martin Johnson :

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Hertfordshire Closed Championships (15-16th March)

For anyone who is interested in entering the *Hertfordshire County Closed*, to be held at the BATTS Club, Harlow (Essex!), see the link to event information, below, which also includes a link to the Entry Form and fuller details.

Herts Closed details.docx

Martin Johnson :

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Wren Cup / Plate Rules and Scorecard

Here are documents giving the Wren Cup / Plate Rules, and a Wren Cup / Plate Scorecard.

HHTTL - Wren Cup Rules.docx
HHTTL - Wren Cup or Plate Scorecard.docx

Martin Johnson :

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League Scorecard / Club Details 2024

In case you are running short of Scorecards, I've attached a League Scorecard.

Additionally, for reference, I've added a summarised list of Club Details, giving for each Club, the Venue Address, Club Secretary and Team Captains (with Contact Details).

HHTTL - League Scorecard.pdf
HHTTL - Club Details 2024.docx

Geoffrey Walke :

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Future Fixtures
Flamstead A vs Row

Source: Two

St Georges vs Flamstead C

Source: Three

Source: Three

Source: Four

Source: Four

Adeyfield 1st vs Adeyfield A

Source: One

Adeyfield B vs Flamstead B

Source: Two

Source: Two