Match Report
Not the opposition you want to be playing if you’re looking for points to avoid relegation! SPARTA found Castaways looking for a big win and they got one although the road wasn’t completely smooth.
Pete H had a few wobbles and dropped legs to all three opponents and only eventually won his final game against Pete T in five.
Pete T had already had the closest of three legs with Phil losing all three legs in deuce with two of them including leg points for him.
Phil and Dave had the match of the evening when, after Phil won the first leg, Dave came back and won the next two and the game looked over at 10-7 to Dave. But Phil somehow clawed his way back to win to 10. The fifth leg was somewhat of a repeat with Dave racing to 9-5 up. But, again, Phil found his mojo and came back to win to 9! Some game!!
Steve had a tough night but managed to get a leg from Pete H.
Most notable stat of the evening was Dave confessing that this was his first duck egg in eighteen months in this league.
Headline news was to come later in the pub though when word filtered through that Nat West had achieved a draw at Morpeth with Mike Hughes beating Sammy.
Must be the result of week if not close to the season!