Division One > Stepney Green A
League Performance
Match Players
Name Played Win % Ranking POM Form
Ian Buchanan 44 61.36% 0 2
Petko Guimichev 33 90.91% 30 4
Carsten Hovestadt 27 81.48% 0 3
Ahad Miah 29 62.07% 0 1
Ruzbeh Bacha 26 73.08% 0 5
Leo Veinsreider 9 100.00% 0 1
Milen Dobrev 9 88.89% 0 1
Dariusz Zurowski 3 100.00% 0 1
Reuben Albert 3 100.00% 0 0
Opposition Fixture Date Score Points Card
Nat West Home 9 - 1 +9
HMRC - Outcasts Away 0 - 10 +10
Stepney Green B Home 7 - 3 +7
Castaways Away 2 - 8 +8
Employment Home 9 - 1 +9
Credex Away 9 - 1 +1
Beauty And The Beasts Home 9 - 1 +9
Treasury B Away 1 - 9 +9
BIS Away 4 - 6 +6
Treasury A Home 4 - 6 +4
PRO Away 0 - 10 +10
Nat West Away 5 - 5 +5
HMRC - Outcasts Home 10 - 0 +10
Stepney Green B Away 3 - 7 +7
Castaways Home 2 - 8 +2
Employment Away 2 - 8 +8
Credex Home 9 - 1 +9
Beauty And The Beasts Away 0 - 10 +10
Treasury B Home 10 - 0 +10
BIS Home 9 - 1 +9
Treasury A Away 5 - 5 +5
PRO Home 9 - 1 +9
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