Trevor Towers managed to be shortlisted in the final six by Medway Sports Awards - Coach of the Year category at Friday's - 13th December ceremony... more
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
It is with great sadness we have to announce the passing of Lyndon Gurr (62). Lyndon played for Boxley Table Tennis Club and competed in the Medway League for more than 40 years. He was a true sportsman and gentlemen and will be sorely missed by his team and clubmates.... more
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
Congratulations to Chatham Table Tennis Club who won the silver award in the recent Medway Sports Award for club of the year. This is in recognition of all the hard work put in by all the volunteers at CTTC and the excellent progress made by all their players.
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
It is with great sadness that we have to announce the death of both Paul Coombes (74) and Keith Adams (74) on Thursday, 21st November 2024.... more
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
Starting in the new 2024 season the Howard Club will be open for additional practice
nights on selected Wednesdays. This is in addtion to the regular Monday night sessions... more
nights on selected Wednesdays. This is in addtion to the regular Monday night sessions... more
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
With 1 to 1 coaching, you will get high quality coaching especially designed for your game needs. This will include improving consistency and foot work through specific drills..... more
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
Our AGM took place on Monday, 22nd July with a good 'turn-out' from all our clubs. Congratulations to all the teams that received their trophies for winners and runners-up in each division.... more
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
It is with great sadness we have to report the death on Monday, 10th June of Mike Smith (79), Club Secretary at Howard TTC. Mike had been unwell for sometime and had spent the previous 3 months in hospital....more
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
We have recently been informed that Clive Morris died on 2 June 2024 after a long battle with cancer.... more
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
It is with great sadness we have to report the passing of Roger Chipperfield on Sunday, 28th April at 5pm.
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
A large crowd gathered in anticipation of this years Charles Stampe Trophy Final contested between clubmates Chatham Ark Royal and Chatham Endurance at Blue Bell Hill Village Hall on Monday, 22nd April 2024.... more
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
On Thursday 11th April a competition for Juniors who had not yet played in the Medway League took place with 16 entered. Their ages ranged between 10 and 14 years old.... more
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
Sturdee 2 were the victors in a very closely fought final this year at Blue Bell Hill Village Hall on Monday, 15th April 2024.....more
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
It is with great sadness to have to let you know that Ted Tydeman died in the early hours of 31st March 2024, aged 86...... more
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
The final of the Jim Bradford Trophy will take place at Bluebell Hill Village Hall, Robin Hood Lane, Bluebell Hill ME5 9QR on Monday, 15th April 2024.
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
Some of you may already be aware that Sturdee player Mehdi Golchehreh died last Thursday 7th March during a Maidstone League match for Kings Hill. .....
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
The final of the Charles Stampe Trophy will take place at Bluebell Hill Village Hall, Robin Hood Lane, Bluebell Hill ME5 9QR on Monday, 22nd April 2024..... more
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
Enjoy a Table Tennis evening at Medway Park. Wednesday 7 February, we are opening the sports hall at Medway Park exclusively for table tennis drop-in play.
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
TTE Activator Course - Saturday, 2nd March 2024
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::
It is with great sadness we have to report the death of Peter Baker on 27th December 2023....funeral details....
Gary Hentschel via Medway Towns Table Tennis League ::