Premier > Match Card
Home Player Away Player Games Score
8-11 11-6 5-11 2-11 0-1
8-11 4-11 4-11 0-1
0-11 0-11 0-11 0-1
7-11 6-11 12-14 0-1
5-11 9-11 2-11 0-1
0-11 0-11 0-11 0-1
3-11 5-11 7-11 0-1
0-11 0-11 0-11 0-1
7-11 9-11 1-11 0-1
9-11 9-11 11-13 0-1
Submitted By: David McAulay :: Approved By: David McAulay :: Completed By: David McAulay 0 - 10

Match Report

Howard posted their second successive 10 0 whitewash, this time over two player,Howard 2, Alan Watson, Simon Forest and Graham French barely breaking sweat, although Alex Clarke did manage a 11,6 leg win over Simon Forest and John Kane managed to post 12 in another leg. Howard 1 now look unstoppable in their quest for the title. Will probably take a collapse of gargantuan proportions for them not to be champions!


Written by: David McAulay
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