Dear Members

The AGM has been arranged for Thursday 30th September @ 19.00pm

It is to be at the polish club 365 Manchester Rd, Rochdale OL11 4LX

I apologize for the short notice but we are keen to try and get the league up and running

The meeting will consist of

committee and roles

Treasurers report

Secretaries Report

Match Secs Report

set up of league structure

If anyone can not attend but wants to register a team can you please contact me on 07951 465024

via Oldham Table Tennis League ::
Hello members, after this season's AGM we have found ourselves in the position of having no chairman and no treasurer.
If anyone is interested or knows of anyone who may be interested please contact Ian cockroft or And hey.
If anyone is having problems with the summer league fixtures or results please contact Andy Hey ( Match sec )
via Oldham Table Tennis League ::