This years tournament entry forms are to be sent to John Blackband please. His email details are on page 1 of the Handbook. All other details are as per the entry form in your handbook. Thank You.
Stevie Smith :
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Return of Trophies
Can all concerned please return the trophies as soon as possible?
Direct to Mac Baldwin or to the next committee meeting. Any
problems talk to Mac and make arrangements with him. Please assist
Please clean them before returning. Thank You
Stevie Smith :
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Handicap Cup Quarter Final Draw
Cup week is week commencing 3rd March
0 Great Wyrley A v Wood Green G 329
0 Great Wyrley F v St.Bernards 39
0 Wood Green D v Wood Green F 29
336 Craig & Derricott B v Wood Green A 0
Stevie Smith :
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The next Committee Meeting will take place on Thursday 13th March at Wood Green
Academy starting at 7.30pm.