How to Register players for season 2024-25

Wembley & Harrow Table Tennis League - Registration of players

1. Players that have been registered previously:-
The Record Secretary needs:
? the player’s full name
? TTE number
? date of birth
? which team they will play for (a player can be transferred at any time up to the start of the season).
The above details to be provided at the earliest opportunity please, additional players can be added later.

2. Registration of players that are new to our league:-
Each new player needs to be registered with TT365 so the player (or their parent/guardian) needs to complete the TT365 registration form: (Your club secretary can do this on behalf of the player if you so wish)
Please ensure that the registration nominates Wembley & Harrow as their league and (optionally) the club for which they will play.

Each player is responsible for ensuring that the details shown on their profiles with TTE and with TT365 are correct, any clubs and leagues showing that are no longer appropriate, should be removed.
Registrations should be submitted by e-mail to the Record Secretary:        Queries can be submitted via WhatApp but e-mail is much better as a definitive view and record of your
And finally a reminder that it is the responsibility of each team captain to
use TEAM CHECKER to ensure players have been added to their team and are eligible
BEFORE they are selected to play in a match.

Author: via Wembley and Harrow Table Tennis League
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