The Martin Machin Invitation Champions’ Challenge Update.
(AKA The Wigan Invitation Champions’ Challenge)
The above event will take place on Friday evening 31st May 2024 at the Leigh Miners Welfare Centre, Kirby Road, Leigh.
This will be the 13th year the Challenge has taken place in the Wigan League. We are hoping for a strong attendance from the North West leagues especially those who have players representing their leagues.
Last year we were delighted to receive sponsorship from businesses, our local league in Wigan and specific individuals who gave generously for the event.
Last year the winner of Challenge was the Preston Champion, Matthew Westworth who defeated Joe Killoran in a superb final. Overall we donated £850 to the Hospice which after Gift Aid came to £1,020. In the 12 years of running the event we are nearing the £10,000 mark donation to the Wigan and Leigh Hospice.
We hope to see you at the event and improve on our attendance and donation.