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The 2018/19 Season

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Lee Brown :

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Source: Cheshire County Table Tennis Association


Recent Match Reports

Stanley Square A (5 - 5) Hollingworth Eagles B

 Excellent table tennis and an enjoyable evening. SH  (Great game as always! - M McNulty)

Full report and card

Written by: Stephen Hilton for match on

Chinley Table Tennis Club C (8 - 2) Stanley Square D

Last game of the season in Div 2 and a comprehensive win for Chinley C which lifts them out of the bottom two. Three singles victories and a hand in the doubles for James Krassowski and two wins each...

Full report and card

Written by: Lee Brown for match on

Chinley TTC A (6 - 4) Hollingworth Eagles B

 Great match - Young Sam was awesome!

Full report and card

Written by: Mike McNulty for match on

Hollingworth Eagles B (3 - 7) Hollingworth Eagles A

 On reflection a draw might have been a fair result but the 'A' team proved why THEY are the 'A' team by winning the crucial points. Great game.

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Written by: Mike McNulty for match on

Chinley Table Tennis Club E (1 - 9) Glossop Table Tennis Club Bandits D

 Last match to be played in Div 3 was a win for Bandits D at Chinley E but the youngsters from Chinley made the Bandits work hard for their victory. Four games went to five sets but only Luke Fer...

Full report and card

Written by: Lee Brown for match on

Strines Dragons (0 - 10) Hollingworth Methodists A

 After the previous week's 6-4 defeat to the Methodists, this was capitulation. Last week we all beat Matt and this week he won all three. A bad end to a mid-table season.

Full report and card

Written by: Gordon Bickley for match on

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