Player Statistics > Roger Burnham
Player Performance
Opponent Team Date Score Ranking Result
Maureen Morley The Mojos 11-7 11-0 11-8 +1 Win
Margaret Humphreys The Mojos 11-1 11-2 11-13 11-7 +2 Win
Wendy Sutherland The Mojos 11-9 11-6 11-2 +1 Win
Dave Illingworth Gannets C 11-6 11-4 11-8 +1 Win
Peter Farthing Gannets C 18-16 11-7 6-11 13-11 +1 Win
Roger Hudson Gannets C 11-6 11-3 11-7 +1 Win
Shirley Toulmin St Wilfs B 11-9 11-8 8-11 6-11 11-13 -1 Loss
Kevin Flaherty St Wilfs B 11-9 11-7 11-8 +2 Win
Chris Thomas St Wilfs B 9-11 9-11 8-11 -2 Loss
Roy Grosschmidt St Wilfs C 9-11 11-7 12-10 11-5 +1 Win
Chris Farquhar St Wilfs C 11-9 11-3 11-7 +1 Win
Brian Roberts St Wilfs C 11-9 11-5 11-7 +1 Win
Paul Brown Gannets B 8-11 7-11 6-11 -2 Loss
John Stead Gannets B 6-11 5-11 8-11 -2 Loss
John Pollard Gannets B 11-6 11-5 11-5 +1 Win
Martin Cave The Mojos 11-9 10-12 11-3 11-6 +1 Win
Maureen Morley The Mojos 11-6 11-7 11-7 +1 Win
Wendy Sutherland The Mojos 11-9 11-9 7-11 11-9 +1 Win
Chris Farquhar St Wilfs C 11-4 11-7 11-3 +1 Win
Brian Roberts St Wilfs C 11-7 11-5 11-9 +1 Win
Mahboob Nawaz St Wilfs C 8-11 8-11 2-11 -8 Loss
Dave Illingworth Gannets C 11-3 7-11 12-10 12-10 +1 Win
Mandy Bardgett Gannets C 12-10 11-7 11-1 +1 Win
Joe Bardgett Gannets C 11-7 15-17 7-11 11-5 11-7 +1 Win
Martin Cave The Mojos 9-11 13-15 6-11 -8 Loss
Brian Taylor The Mojos 13-11 8-11 9-11 9-11 -10 Loss
Wendy Sutherland The Mojos 11-3 11-3 11-8 +1 Win
Played: 27
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