Rebecca Savage (177006) - BETA

Summary 2015-16

Current Points:
Monthly +/-
Season +/-
Wins / Losses
13 / 46
Last Match:
3092 days ago
Best Win:
Highest Winning Streak:



Playing Hand:
Playing Style:


Season History
Season Start End Change
2015-16 771 800 29
2016-17 720 1178 458
2017-18 1060 1707 647
2018-19 1536 1821 285
2019-20 1821 1821 0
2020-21 1821 1821 0
2021-22 1821 1821 0
2022-23 1821 1821 0
2023-24 1821 1821 0
2024-25 1821 1821 0
* click season to view previous season archive
Monthly Points Change
Best 8 wins
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Evie Ellicott (1129) Burton Uxbridge 2* - Cadet Open WIN 776 23
Anna Green (1193) Burton Uxbridge 1* Open - Cadet WIN 759 20
Inter-Regional Qualification-North East WIN 763 11
Isabella Crooks (820) Ormesby 1* - Cadet Singles WIN 772 5
Burton Uxbridge 1* Open - Cadet WIN 759 2
Nottingham Sycamore Junior 1* Open - Cadet WIN 802 2
Burton Uxbridge 1* Open - Cadet WIN 759 1
Burton Uxbridge 1* Open - Cadet WIN 759 1
Worst Loss :-(
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
2016 Inter-Regional Finals - Team Event LOSS 774 -8
Full Season History
Opponent Event Date Result Ranking  
Megan Jones (1060) Nottingham Sycamore Junior 1* Open - Cadet LOSS 802 -1
Scarlett Anders (777) Nottingham Sycamore Junior 1* Open - Cadet LOSS 802 -2
Kirsty Maull (1840) Nottingham Sycamore Junior 1* Open - Cadet LOSS 802 0
Mukmanee Warburton (1642) Nottingham Sycamore Junior 1* Open - Cadet LOSS 802 0
Rebecca Rigg (1130) Nottingham Sycamore Junior 1* Open - Cadet LOSS 802 0
Millie Rogove (1918) Nottingham Sycamore Junior 1* Open - Cadet LOSS 802 0
Megan Jones (1060) Nottingham Sycamore Junior 1* Open - Cadet LOSS 802 -1
Nottingham Sycamore Junior 1* Open - Cadet WIN 802 2
Nottingham Sycamore Junior 1* Open - Cadet WIN 802 1
Scarlett Anders (777) Nottingham Sycamore Junior 1* Open - Cadet LOSS 802 -2
Nottingham Sycamore Junior 1* Open - Cadet WIN 802 1
Burton Uxbridge 2* - Cadet Open WIN 776 1
Mukmanee Warburton (1535) Burton Uxbridge 2* - Cadet Open LOSS 776 0
Amillia Baker (1947) Burton Uxbridge 2* - Cadet Open LOSS 776 0
Evie Ellicott (1129) Burton Uxbridge 2* - Cadet Open WIN 776 23
Bethany Ellis () Burton Uxbridge 2* - Cadet Open WIN 776 1
Burton Uxbridge 2* - Cadet Open WIN 776 1
Anna Green (1193) Burton Uxbridge 1* Open - Cadet WIN 759 20
Rebecca Rigg (1090) Burton Uxbridge 1* Open - Cadet LOSS 759 0
Lucy Vernon (1882) Burton Uxbridge 1* Open - Cadet LOSS 759 0
ALANA RICHARDSON (1245) Burton Uxbridge 1* Open - Cadet LOSS 759 0
Burton Uxbridge 1* Open - Cadet LOSS 759 -6
Burton Uxbridge 1* Open - Cadet LOSS 759 -1
Burton Uxbridge 1* Open - Cadet WIN 759 2
Rebecca Rigg (1090) Burton Uxbridge 1* Open - Cadet LOSS 759 0
Anna Green (1193) Burton Uxbridge 1* Open - Cadet LOSS 759 0
ALANA RICHARDSON (1245) Burton Uxbridge 1* Open - Cadet LOSS 759 0
Burton Uxbridge 1* Open - Cadet WIN 759 1
Burton Uxbridge 1* Open - Cadet WIN 759 1
Swerve 1* Junior Open - Junior Boys & Girls Singles LOSS 759 0
Swerve 1* Junior Open - Junior Boys & Girls Singles LOSS 759 0
Mukmanee Warburton (1508) Swerve 1* Junior Open - Cadet Boys & Girls Singles LOSS 761 0
Swerve 1* Junior Open - Cadet Boys & Girls Singles LOSS 761 -1
Swerve 1* Junior Open - Cadet Boys & Girls Singles LOSS 761 -1
Bethany Wootton (1097) 2016 Inter-Regional Finals - Girls and Boys Singles LOSS 766 -1
Mari Baldwin (1724) 2016 Inter-Regional Finals - Girls and Boys Singles LOSS 766 0
2016 Inter-Regional Finals - Girls and Boys Singles LOSS 766 -4
2016 Inter-Regional Finals - Team Event LOSS 774 -8
Lucie Smith (1308) 2016 Inter-Regional Finals - Team Event LOSS 774 0
2016 Inter-Regional Finals - Team Event LOSS 774 0
2016 Inter-Regional Finals - Team Event LOSS 774 0
Ormesby 1* - Cadet Singles LOSS 772 -1
Ormesby 1* - Cadet Singles LOSS 772 0
Ormesby 1* - Cadet Singles LOSS 772 -2
Isabella Crooks (820) Ormesby 1* - Cadet Singles WIN 772 5
Ormesby 1* - Cadet Singles LOSS 772 0
Inter-Regional Qualification-North East LOSS 763 -1
Inter-Regional Qualification-North East LOSS 763 -1
Inter-Regional Qualification-North East WIN 763 11
Inter-Regional Qualification-North East LOSS 763 0
Inter-Regional Qualification-North East LOSS 763 0
Inter-Regional Qualification-North East LOSS 763 0
Inter-Regional Qualification-North East LOSS 763 0
Darlington 2* Cadet LOSS 771 -2
Mukmanee Warburton (1027) Darlington 2* Cadet LOSS 771 -2
Darlington 2* Cadet LOSS 771 -2
Darlington 2* Cadet LOSS 771 -2
Amy Marriott (2128) Darlington 2* Cadet LOSS 771 0
Darlington 2* Cadet LOSS 771 0