Scoresheet Entry
Scores can be entered on either TT365 or TT Leagues. A scores entry tab is now included on the TT365 homepage which directs people to the instructions.
It is possible for players with a mobile phone or ipad and internet access to enter scores directly at the end of the match either using the TT Leagues App or browser entry onto either TT365 or TT Leagues. At present it is not recommended to enter scores using the TT Leagues App while the match is in progress because the app is prone to drop out.
If you are able to do this it would save Captains from searching for time to enter score sheets in any of the seven days required under the rules. Also it would allow stand in Captains to enter score sheets on the match night. We recommend that captains check with the players to see if anyone would be prepared to enter scores at the end of the match while both sides are still there.
It is helpful to us if scores are entered quickly and entry is not delayed for several days.
We have found that some people are unaware of how to record forfeit scores on the TT Leagues system. On TT365 it is obvious because "forfeit" is included in the list of players that can be selected. On TT Leagues "forfeit" does not show in the list of players but to the right of the player there is a forfeit icon which needs to be clicked instead.
On the TT Leagues system there is a hard cap that means that once a player has played 4 times for a higher team they no longer appear in the list of players that can be selected if they intend to play a further match for that team. To overcome this we have to move the player to their new team in line with the Bristol rules. If a player intends to move to a higher team then we need to be notified that it is happening before their scores can be entered.
Rearranged Matches
The TT Leagues system does not allow scores to be entered for postponed matches with no revised date on the system. We have had a few instances where we have not been notified of the new dates which has prevented scores entry. This is also the case where matches are brought forward. Will captains please ensure we are notified of changes to match dates.