Contact Information

A reminder that the more comprehensive captains contact list is on TT365 but people will need to logon to the system to view it. 

Please note you must be logged in to TT365 using your TTE Id to see the full contact list available for each club under Clubs and Venues or for each division under Team Captains.

There are GDPR restrictions concerning personal information and how it is viewed. TT365 has a more sophisticated approach to this and allows people to set whether information is limited to admin users only or is available for people to either logon and view or is available to view without logging on. By the start of the season all captains will have contact information available but many will only be viewable when you log on to the system.

The system shows whether you are logged in at the top right of the display where your name will be displayed if you are logged in along with the option to login or logout.

Alternatively, login as an administrator in the same way as for entering scores


If you are having problems getting in via the admin panel then try to login using this screen which includes guidelines for some common access problems


Team captains, club secretaries and officials can make their contact details available online by controlling them via the TT365 website login.

Select "Profile" and "My Profile" to ensure your contact details are included.

Select "My Data" and "My Leagues and Clubs" to select Bristol League and ensure "Change Access" is set to Contact Details.

Select "My Data" and "Privacy" to allow visibility selections for telephone and email. Please note that there is a systems bug if set to "only your members" so if you want limited access to your details then set to "only logged in users". We find that "only your members" sometimes results in logged in players not being able to view the details.  We have also had instances where a captains information only displays in the team captains list but are not displayed if you look at the information for a specific team.

When TT leagues was introduced in 2019 we requested that equivalent contact lists be made available via that system. However, this requires information to be passed across from Sport80. TTE only loaded one email address and phone number to Sport80 in 2019 and so lost the additional phone numbers and email addresses the league needs for producing handbooks and to allow players to urgently get in touch with captains. The more limited TT Leagues contact list is viewable here but also requires people to logon to see it.

Team Captains | Bristol Table Tennis League | TT Leagues

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