Important Notices

Latest Mordecai Cup Draw

Published as news articles

The latest round is now published in the following news article

Mordecai Cup Quarter Final Draw - Bristol Table Tennis League

Also on TT Leagues

Mordecai Cup Quarter Final Draw | Bristol Table Tennis League | TT Leagues


Clive Ellison :

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For venue details go to the contacts tab on TT365

List of clubs and venues associated to Bristol Table Tennis League (

or the venues page on TT Leagues which contains images for each venue

Bristol Table Tennis League | TT Leagues


Clive Ellison :

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Contact Information for team captains

As of today 6th September all captains have details available on TT365 for the 24-25 season if people logon to view them. Some captains are viewable without logging in but most require logging in to view.

If you are having problems then try to login using this screen

Clive Ellison :

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Information For Prospective New Players

We receive many enquiries from people interested in playing table tennis.

The attached article provides a summary about what league membership addresses and what we cater for.

Information for prospective new players - Bristol Table Tennis League (

Some clubs will identify specific requirements for new players in their teams. We will advertise these via a news article as we receive them.

Players Required - Bristol Table Tennis League (


Clive Ellison :

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Future Fixtures

Source: Premier Division

Failand B vs HCC A

Source: Premier Division

Source: Division 1

Source: Division 1

Source: Division 1

Cl - Clav Cobras vs HCC F

Source: Division 2

Source: Division 3

Source: Division 3

HCC G vs Fromeside D

Source: Division 4