Dear Team Captains, Club and League Officers,
Could I remind everyone that it is the KO Cup First Round week commencing Monday 22 February 2016. The draw and rules are on the web site:
I have had one or two queries about players playing up in this competition. The rules are on the above web page, but just to clarify, if you wish to play a player up from a lower division, you must obtain permission from the Match Secretary, ie from Martin Wakelin.
At the Management Team Meeting on Thursday the following new handicaps were agreed. Martin, I wonder if you could alter these on the web site please.
Team captains, please note these changes. Thanks.
Division 1
Peter Baxendale -7
Roger Pimblett -8
John Fearon -8
Andrea Jorkisch -5
Louise Thompson -4
John Howarth -4
Division 2
Peter Duxbury –1
Andy Gilchrist +1
Jonathan Lister +1
Bradley Varey +2
Hugh Simmons +3
Sarah Tyson +1
Lyndon Dixon +2
Division 3
No change
Regards, Mick Taylor