On line Safeguarding Training Course

To all Table Tennis League Members.

Dear League Members,

We'd like to remind league members of the following, which we first publicised last year.

Table Tennis England have partnered with High Speed Training to produce a free on line Safeguarding Training Course.  I've done this course and a few others in our Management Team have too and we all agree it's a good course and would be very useful for everyone.  Consequently, the League Management Team are strongly recommending that all League Players, other Members and parents take the course.  It's completely free and can be accessed by following the link below.  It takes about two hours to complete, and a certificate is provided after successful completion.

The League and our Clubs are all committed to safeguarding our children from all forms of abuse, and this recommendation is part of that commitment.

If you have already done the course, that's great.  It's good practice to repeat the course every 3 years.

I'd be grateful if club secretaries could pass on this email to the parents of their juniors.


Best wishes

Mick Taylor,

KDTTL Welfare Officer

Author: via Kendal Table Tennis League
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