1. Players eligible for entry to either singles or doubles events, must have played in at least nine matches, i.e. 27 singles by the closing date of entry or be registered only in KDTTL.
2. Competitions will be as follows:-
· Open Singles – Open to all registered players of KDTTL.
· Ladies Singles – Open to all lady players of KDTTL.
· Cadet Singles – Open to any registered player of KDTTL or anyone who is currently receiving coaching who will be under the age of 15 on the 31st December during the current administrative year.
· Junior Singles – Open to any registered player of KDTTL or anyone who is currently receiving coaching who will be under 18 on the 31st December during the current administrative year.
· Veteran Singles – Open to any registered player of KDTTL who is 40 or over on the 30th of June preceding the commencement of the season.
· Super Vets– Open to any registered player of KDTTL who is 55 or over on the 30th of June preceding the commencement of the season.
· Restricted Singles – Open to all players in a league below div 1 and who previously not held an open title. But once any player having won an open, reaches the age of 55 they will then be eligible to enter anyway.
· Handicap Singles – Open to all players Handicapped accordingly.
· Open Doubles – Open to any pair of players from the same or different clubs.
· Mixed Doubles – Open to any lady or gentleman partnership from the same or different clubs.
· Ladies Doubles – Open to any pair of ladies from the same or different clubs.
· Junior Doubles – Open to any pair of players who are registered with the league and qualify as juniors.
· Veteran Doubles – Open to any pair of players who are registered with the league and qualify as veterans.
3. Entries must be made to the General Secretary not later than the date specified in the league handbook. No entries will be accepted after this date. Entries for the Handicapped singles must indicate the division in which each entrant plays.
4. The principal of seeding will be adopted in all competitions except for Handicap singles.
5. In all competitions, other than the handicap singles, matches will be The best of five games.
6. In the Handicap Singles Four games will be played, each up to 11 Points only. The winner will be the player with the most points after the addition (or subtraction) of the handicaps to (or from) the points scored. In the event of a tie a fifth game will be played with each player starting at their handicap. The winner will be the first player to reach 11 points.
7. The draw and general arrangements for the competitions will be made by the competition Sub Committee, consisting of the league Chairman, Secretary, Knock - out Secretary and at least two members of the Team Selection Committee. All decisions taken by this committee on entries or queries shall be final.
8. If a player cannot attend on the night of a competition it is his duty to inform the steward at the respective venue in advance. Failure to do so will incur a fine of 50p on each and every occasion.
9. The final of the open singles and such other events as the Management Committee may decide, will be held on finals night.