Download ADTTA Constitution


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Approved at 2021 AGM


1   Name   

The Association shall be called the Aberdeen and District Table Tennis Association (ADTTA).


2   Affiliation

The Association will affiliate to Table Tennis Scotland (TTS).


3   Objective

The objective of ADTTA is to promote, encourage, increase and improve participation in table tennis in the North East of Scotland. This will be achieved by the provision of coaching and facilities, the management of leagues and tournaments and by partnering with local authorities and sports bodies.


4   Membership

Membership is open to all individuals and no application for membership will be refused on other than reasonable grounds. There will be no discrimination on grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, political or other opinion.

An individual may become a Member of the Association by application to the Match Secretary and payment of the annual ADTTA and TTS affiliation fees, both fees having been agreed at the association’s previous Annual General Meetings. Membership is valid up to and including the day preceding the start date of the next season. The Match Secretary will maintain a record of all members’ registration details.

All members of the Executive Committee are deemed to be members of ADTTA.


5   Clubs

In order to be recognised as a club by ADTTA, the club must have a named Organiser, suitable premises, be open to new members and be affiliated to TTS.


6   Office Bearers

The office bearers of ADTTA shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Development Officer and Child Protection Officer.

7   Executive Committee

The affairs of ADTTA will be managed, and the Constitution and Rules interpreted, by the Executive Committee (EC) comprising the Office Bearers and up to 7 other members. The EC will meet as often as is necessary to discharge the business of ADTTA. EC meetings shall be called by the Secretary and chaired by the President. In the absence of the President, those present will appoint one of the other Office Bearers to chair the meeting. For an EC meeting to be quorate, there must be a minimum of 5 members present, 3 of whom must be office bearers.

The EC shall be elected at the AGM of the Association or an EGM called for that purpose. Nominations for any of the EC positions must be received in writing by the Secretary a minimum of 28 days before the date of the meeting duly signed by the nominator and 2 other members. Should there be any vacant positions on the EC for which no nominations have been received in advance, then nominations for those positions may be received at the meeting. Where there is more than 1 nomination for an EC position, members present at the meeting will vote with the majority decision prevailing.

Should a vacancy on the EC arise for any reason during the season, then a majority of the EC members can appoint a replacement at a quorate EC meeting.

8   Financial Governance

All ADTTA funds will be held in an account in the Association’s name. Payments from ADTTA funds may be made by cheque or electronic transfer. The President, Secretary and Treasurer will be authorised cheque signatories and two of the three must sign each cheque. If made by electronic transfer, the Treasurer must obtain pre-approval of the payment from either the President or the Secretary. All payments made and income received will be reported at each EC meeting.

No portion of the income and property of ADTTA shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, distribution, bonus, or otherwise by way of profit to the members.  Offers of honoraria, approved by the membership at the AGM are permitted.  Eligible posts for honoraria are: Secretary, Treasurer, Match Secretary, Development Officer.

The financial year of ADTTA will run from 1st May to 30th April. The accounts of the Association will be audited by the two auditors, neither of whom may be members of the EC, and presented to the members at the AGM.

9   Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The AGM of the Association shall be held at the end of each season, not later than 31st May. The date of the AGM will be advised to all members at least 90 days in advance. Formal Notice of the AGM will be communicated to Clubs, Teams and Individual Members no later than 14 days prior to the meeting, along with the agenda, the minute of the previous year’s AGM and any EGMs held during the season, names of nominees for the EC and any proposals or motions correctly submitted.

A member may put forward a proposal or motion for consideration at the AGM if it is submitted to the Secretary in writing at least 28 days before the date of AGM and is supported by 2 other members.

An AGM may only be considered to be quorate if more than 10 Members of ADTTA, in addition to the majority of existing EC Members, are present. Each member present at the AGM is entitled to 1 vote and a simple majority will pass any proposal, other than an amendment to the Constitution which will require a 2/3rds majority.

The Secretary will take an official minute of the proceedings of the AGM including a register of attendees.

The business to be transacted at the AGM will be as follows:

- approval of minute of previous AGM and matters arising.

- reports will be received from the Chairman, Secretary and Match Secretary.

- the Treasurer will present the Association’s audited accounts for the year to 30th April.

- proposed honoraria for the current year.

- appointment of 2 auditors for the following year.

- election of the Office Bearers and members of the EC for the following year.

- agreement on ADTTA affiliation fees for the following year.

- consideration of any proposals or motions presented.


10   Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)

An EGM may be called by the EC, or through the EC by a written request to the Secretary, specifying the purpose for which the meeting is desired, and signed by 5 Members of ADTTA. The EGM must be held within 35 days of the request being received and the Secretary must give each Member at least 14 days written notice of the date and venue stating the business to be transacted.

An EGM will be conducted in the same manner as an AGM wth regards to quorum, voting and minute recording.

No business, other than that for which the EGM has been called, shall be transacted at an EGM, unless the business of the EGM results in dissolution of the EC.  Under such circumstances, it is also the business of the EGM to elect a temporary Management Committee, with the sole purpose of continuing the work of ADTTA in a constitutional manner until another EC can be elected. 


11   Code of Conduct

Members of ADTTA will, at all times, when engaged in table tennis play, practice, coaching, umpiring and spectating be expected to exhibit exemplary self-discipline and behaviour, show respect for others, and be cognisant of their responsibilities as role models for others. It is also required that members of ADTTA will comply with any local requirements for behaviour if these are supplementary to the requirements of the Association.

Clubs, teams and individual members of ADTTA are required to comply with the Constitution and Rules of the Association. Any disputes arising from the interpretation of the Constitution and Rules, cases of misconduct by clubs or players, or any matters not provided for in the above, shall be dealt with by the EC.

Where deemed necessary to consider a complaint, incident or breach of the Constitution or Rules, a disciplinary sub-committee will be formed comprising at least 3 members of the EC. None of the members of the sub-committee should have been involved, in any capacity, in the incident or situation which is to be considered.

The sub-committee will consider details of the incident or situation and will take reasonable measures to ensure that any and all parties involved have been consulted, before considering the outcome of the disciplinary committee. The findings and recommendations of the disciplinary sub-committee will be presented to the EC to decide on any action required.

The EC will then communicate the outcome of any disciplinary action raised with the concerned parties. The decision of the EC shall be final and binding.


12   Dissolution

If a motion ‘to wind up ADTTA’ is put to an AGM or EGM of ADTTA in a constitutional manner and 2/3rds or more of members in attendance vote in favour of the motion, the EC will formally wind up the Association.

In such circumstances, if there remains after the satisfaction of all the Association’s debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall be given or transferred to some other organisation or organisations having objects similar to the objects of the Association, such organisation or organisations to be determined by the members of the Association passed at a General Meeting at or before the time of the dissolution and, in so far as effect cannot be given to such provision, then to some charitable objects.

In the event of dissolution of ADTTA no portion of the income and property of ADTTA shall be paid or transferred, directly or indirectly, by way of dividend, distribution, bonus, honoraria or otherwise by way of profit to the members.


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