AGM election of new chair

Dear All 

Following on from Mick’s email, You will remember that I gave notice at the pre-season Council Meeting in September, that this would be my last season as Chairman. I have acted as Chairman and Treasurer for the last 6 years and it is now time for someone with more time and energy to take over as Chairman. I am happy to continue as Treasurer for at least one more year, to ease the transition. For the information of anyone would might be considering this, please find attached/below an up to date list of the Chairman’s duties. These have reduced substantially since I took over. Things have been spread out a lot more amongst the members of the Management Committee. Thanks for this are particularly due to Mick, Norman, Martin, Chris, Bob and Bruce. 

Please talk to Mick if you feel you could contribute in this role. 



Tony March


Lonsdale Consulting 

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Thwaite Gate House, Carnforth, Lancs, LA5 9EL 

Mobile 07814 029471  , 

2020 Business Consultant of the Year 2007

Chairman’s Duties – April 2015 

  • Chair the various scheduled and other necessary meetings: 

    • Pre-season Council Meeting

    • Management Committee Meetings

    • Meetings of the Handicap Committee

    • AGM 

  • Approve agendas ahead of meetings prior to circulation.

  • Review minutes of the various meetings prior to circulation.

  • Maintain an overview of activities and events within the League and make sure things are going okay.

  • Liaise with the other officers, especially General Secretary, Junior Secretary, Match and Membership Secretary and Treasurer. 

  • Approve the financial budget for the following season. 

  • Keep abreast of any important developments in Table Tennis England. 

  • Generate/encourage initiatives/support any new worthwhile ventures to increase membership and/or standard of play within the League or support local communities. 

  • Generate/encourage initiatives to reduce the cost of running the League. 

  • Attend the Divisional Shield, Annual Tournament Finals and Presentation Evening. 

AJM – 9.4.15

Author: via Kendal Table Tennis League
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