Natland Coaching dates September and October

Dear Kendal League and Junior League Players,

The dates for September and October when Dan and Beth  and will be coaching Natland  are as follows:


Saturday 9th, 

                  Spaces are still available this coming Saturday with Beth  but Dan is booked up.

                  SUNDAY 17th Spaces available

(Note no coaching on 23rd September now)

Saturday  30th (Spaces available)



Saturday 7th 

                   Saturday 28th

Spaces avaialble

Dates for November and December to be advised.

As well as one to one sessions we are going to try to run a group session again. We had to stop doing this because we did not have sufficient take up and we made a big loss on it.
To  remedy this problem we will run the group session as the last session of the day and cancel it if there is insufficient take up. Booking will be closed a week in advance. The group session will be for 90 minutes and both Dan and Beth will coach. There will be places for a maximum of 8 players so the coach to player ratio will be 1 to 4. We will charge £10 per player for the group session which  is likely to run from 2pm -3.30pm or from 12.30-2pm.

If you are interested in attending a group session  as opposed to having one to one coaching please let me know. So far there is  insufficient interest to run a group session but now the season is coming up very quickly I hope that will change.

Dan one to one sessions will cost £31 and Beth’s £17 with the small increase reflecting the increase in village hall hire.  Please note you can book these as one to two or three players as well to reduce the per player cost.

One to one Sessions with Dan and Beth can be booked from 8 am in slots of 60,90 or 120 minutes

I am taking bookings from now on. Please email me if you would like to book ( Thanks.

                  Best regards


Author: via Kendal Table Tennis League
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