To all Entrants to the 2024 Tournament,
Thanks you for entering the Tournament. The event start times will be as follows:
League Closed Tournament
- Band 1 (Division 1): 09.30 prompt
- Band 2 (Division 2): 09.30 prompt
- Ladies Singles: 11.30 approx
- Junior Singles (U19): 11.30 approx
- Veterans Singles (40+): 11.30 approx
- Open Doubles: 12.30 approx
- Mixed Doubles: 12.30 approx
- Handicap Singles: 12.30 approx.
Junior Tournament
- U11 Singles: 13.00 prompt
- U13 Singles: 13.00 prompt
- U16 Singles: 13.00 prompt
- Doubles: 15.30 to 16.00 approx.
Please check which events you have entered and come at least 30 minutes before the start of your earliest event.
We have brought forward by 30 minutes some of the League Closed Tournament events. This is to make sure people are available to get these events moving as soon as possible, so that we can better accommodate the Junior Tournament in the afternoon. The Junior Tournament has a big entry, they have a tight schedule and will need 7 tables.
The nature of multi event tournaments is such that not all matches in a particular event can start immediately, as players are involved elsewhere. Consequently, please understand that you may have to wait a little for your first match, although there will be tables available for knocking up. Hopefully you can enjoy your wait time.
We hope you have a great Tournament.
Best wishes, Mick Taylor
KDTTL General Secretary