1. MATCHPLAY -  All matches to be played in accordance with the Laws of Table Tennis (Refer to section 2.6 Service Law). Local league scorers (umpires) can exercise some flexibility in interpretation except for the service law (ball toss, foot stomping etc) and ungentlemanly conduct (aggression and/or excessive foot stomping during play.)  In the first instance the scorer (umpire) will call a let and on the next occasion the umpire may award a point against the player. For repeat instances the umpire has the discretion to award a point without a warning.                 

2. LEAGUE BOUNDARIES - Subject to league committee

3. TEAM COMPOSITION -   3 players who each play 3 singles and one pair will play doubles.  A team may use 1 or 2 additional  players to play doubles.

4. TEAM & PLAYER REGISTRATION -  All teams will pay a team fee decided at AGM. Teams are required to register a min of 3 player’s with the league. Player registration is free of charge whilst the league operates under the TT365 system. Any issues regarding player registration must be appealed in writing to the Hon Gen Sec within 7 days of the fixture. Players can also pay an individual Membership fee to Table Tennis England to take advantage of player insurance and participation in national tournaments.   

A player may play up for a higher team a maximum of 4 times each season, but in doing so may only replace a player of the same or higher playing standard. On the 5th occasion that a player plays up, he/she will become a member of the highest ranked team he/she has played up for that season. In addition, a player may also play down for a lower team, a maximum of 4 times in the season, but in doing so may only replace a player of the same or higher playing standard. Each player’s playing standard will be determined by the official list of player handicaps, which will be set by the Handicap Committee and may be varied from time to time, as the Handicap Committee sees fit. A player may also play for more than one team in the same evening but cannot feature twice in the same fixture.

Annual Tournament - Players are required to participate in a min of 2 league or cup fixtures to be eligible to participate in the end of season annual tournament unless otherwise agreed by the committee. 

5.  TEAM CONTACT - Each team must provide details of the venue location, match night, start time and contact details. Each team should provide an email address for the receipt of league correspondence. 

6.  TRANSFERS - Detailed requests for player transfers to be submitted to the League Secretary for approval    Transfers for tactical reasons will not be approved.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            7.  FIXTURES - Home fixtures official start time is 7.00 pm. Variations allowed and will be detailed in the     fixtures on the league website. Players absent after 8 pm will forfeit their games.  a) When playing at venues with time constraints, late arriving teams must concede any un-played  games providing the match starts on time  and there are no significant delays. To avoid time constraints, team captains can agree anytime during the match a revised playing format. Any mitigating circumstances resulting in unfinished games should be reported to the Match Sec for a ruling on the result.                                                                                                      

 8.  POSTPONEMENTS & REARRANGEMENTS - Subject to the following criteria:- 

a)  Unavailability of home venue. Subject to agreement the fixture can be played on a alternate match night  or at the away team venue if available.  
(b)  Illness effecting at least 2 players from the same team. NOTE: Clubs with more than one team are 
expected to use reserve players from lower teams where appropriate.
(c)  Player/s selected for the league, county or national representative team.
(d)  Other circumstances subject to the agreement of both teams. It is the responsibility of the postponing team to initiate the rearrangement process. Matches can be brought forward by mutual agreement.  
Teams should contact League Sec for clarification/ruling if required.                                                                             e) Postponements are not allowed when a player/s is participating in another league. This is catered for in Rule 4 (iv). Teams have the option of playing with 2 players or conceding the fixture. 

9. OUTSTANDING FIXTURES - To be played no later than the date indicated on the TT365 Website fixtures. League will record un-played fixtures. However, if the outcome of the un-played fixtures has a significant impact on the finishing positions the league will make a realistic adjudication on the outcome of the un-played fixtures (refer to HGS for clarification). Note: Internal club Walk Overs in the last 2 weeks of league fixtures may be assessed if it appears tactical. If proven It may be necessary to adjudicate the un played fixture. If a team concedes 3 walk overs then the team is liable to be withdrawn from the league 

10. MATCH BALLS -  ITTF approved 3 Star 40+ plastic/poly balls must be used.    

11. POINTS - A match consists of 10 sets, each set the best of 5 games. 1 x point awarded for each game won.

Teams may claim a Walk Over (30 pts to nil) when a team does not turn up or agrees to concede the fixture.
In some circumstances it may be necessary for the league to rule on the outcome of Walk Overs (refer Reg 8). Unregistered players or `no show's'  are recorded as Forfeit i.e. 3pts to nil. Any issues regarding player registration must be appealed in writing to the Hon Gen Sec within 7 days of the fixture.

12. Providing the Away team is ready to play at the official start time, any unfinished games/sets are conceded by the Home team.

13. MATCH RESULT - Asap forward Match Cards to Match Sec by phone/email for input or enter result direct to the 365 league website if you have website admin permissions.

14. CLOTHING & EQUIPMENT-  Appropriate sporting attire, no white clothing unless using orange ball.  Headbands for the control of perspiration are acceptable. All players must comply with the current ITTF authorized racket coverings.

15. SCORING - Teams to score alternate sets and the scorer's decision is final unless both players (singles) or pairs (doubles) agree on an alternative decision.  

16. LEAGUE TABLES - Finishing positions shall be determined by:- 
(i)    Highest number of league points won
(ii)   If equal on points then matches won, drawn, ratio of league points won to lost

17. PROMOTION & RELEGATION -  If there are 8 teams or less in a division, the winners are eligible for 
 promotion and the bottom team for relegation. If 8 teams or more in a division the winners and runners   
 up are eligible for promotion and the bottom 2 for relegation. The strength and composition of each  
 division shall ultimately be left to the discretion of the committee.

18. LEAGUE TOURNAMENTS - Qualification is a min of 3 league matches played unless otherwise agreed.

19. COMPETITION AWARDS - The league will provide engraved individual awards for permanent retention to winners  and runners up. The perpetual awards (i.e. Cup/Shield etc) are not for permanent retention and is the responsibility of the winners to arrange engraving or not. Teams or individuals will be notified of the collection arrangements. Failure for teams or their representative to arrange collection of the awards may result in the awards being forfeit. Perpetual trophies are the property of the League and cannot be won outright. Teams/individual winners are responsible for their safekeeping. 

20. LEAGUE REPRESENATION - The league representative teams are entitled to claim out of pocket expenses. 


2.6.1 Service shall start with the ball resting freely on the open palm of the server's stationary free hand.

2.6.2 The server shall project the ball near vertically upwards, without imparting spin, so that it rises at least 16cm after leaving the palm of the free hand and then falls without touching anything before being struck.

2.6.3 As the ball is falling the server shall strike it so it touches first his or her court and then touches directly the receivers court; in doubles, the ball shall touch successively the right half court of server and receiver.

2.6.4 From the start of service until it is struck, the ball shall be above the level of the playing surface and behind the server's end line, and it shall not be hidden from the receiver by the server or his or her doubles partner or by anything they wear or carry.

2.6.5 As soon as the ball has been projected, the server’s free arm and hand shall be removed from the space between the ball and the net. The space between the ball and the net is defined by the ball, the net and its indefinite upward extension.

2.6.6 It is the responsibility of the  player to serve so that the umpire or the assistant umpire can be satisfied that he or she complies with the requirements of the Laws, and either may decide that a service is correct. If either the umpire or the assistant umpire is not sure  about the legality of a service he or she may, on the first occasion in a match, interrupt play and warn the server; but any subsequent service by that player or his or her doubles partner which is not clearly legal shall be considered incorrect.

2.6.7 Exceptionally. The Umpire may relax the requirements for a correct service where he or she is satisfied that compliance is prevented by physical disability.

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