Walter McNeil Memorial Trophy - Handicap Cup 2024-25


General information:

  1. Handicap cup scoresheets can be downloaded here (note new sheet and rules introduced last season).
  2. A photo of completed scorecards should be emailed directly to Match Secretary, NOT to your League Manager.
  3. Player handicaps are noted here. Handicaps for new players this season are allocated ONLY after player has completed 4 league matches.
  4. To keep the cup interesting and ensure variety, for the first round only, no team has been drawn against another team from the same club 
  5. A new draw will be completed after each round.
  6. Match scorecards can be seen by clicking the scores in the table.

Round 2 draw:

All matches to be played by Friday 20th December 2024.

LINK to draw.

Home TeamAway TeamDate PlayedScore
Knightswood BKnightswood D16th Dec339 - 321
North Ayrshire ADrumchapel12th Dec338 - 320
Glasgow South DMaccabi B12th Dec277 - 355
Nomads BNorth Ayrshire D  
East KilbrideDunlop D9th Dec318 - 326
Nomads AJoe Wilson12th Dec341 - 344
Brunswick BDunlop A10th Dec331 - 351
North Ayrshire BGlasgow South C12th Dec304 - 330


Round 1 draw:

All matches to be played by Friday 22nd November 2024.

LINK to draw. Note special settings for first round only - no team can be drawn against another team in the same club.  

Home TeamAway TeamDate PlayedScore
Brunswick CEast Kilbride19th Nov317 - 344
Hamilton AKnightswood B
20th Nov339 - 350
Knightswood DNorth Ayrshire C18th Nov354 - 333
AirdrieNorth Ayrshire D 299 - 355
Dunlop ABrunswick D18th Nov354 - 297
Knightswood CNomads B18th Nov312 - 365
Nomads ADunlop B22nd Nov374 - 277
North Ayrshire AKnightswood A w/o
Hamilton BGlasgow South C20th Nov334 - 342
UddingstonMaccabi B20th Nov323 - 346
DrumchapelBrunswick A19th Nov364 - 283
Glasgow South DMaccabi A19th Nov334 - 331
Dunlop CNorth Ayrshire B18th Nov309 - 357
North Ayrshire EBrunswick B18th Nov303 - 344
Glasgow South BDunlop D19th Nov313 - 347
Joe WilsonGlasgow South A19th Nov340 - 320
Last Updated:
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