Click to download the scorecard required.

League Scorecards

Click the link below to download the printable version of the scorecard to use on match nights.

Print Scorecard.pdf

Click the link below to download the digital version of the scorecard to be returned to the Division Managers

Digital Scorecard.pdf

Divisional Cup Scorecards

Print version - Divisional Cup Scorecard-PRINT.pdf

Email version - Divisional Cup Scorecard-EMAIL.pdf

Handicap Cup Scorecard

Print version - WoSTTL_Handicap_Scorecard_2024.pdf

This must be used in Handicap Cup matches and a photo of the completed score card sent to the Match Secretary.

Additional Help
Here is some additional help which can be used during a Handicap Cup Match using a smartphone or tablet to keep track of the scores.  


If you have a Google account, you can request access to a Google Sheets version of the spreadsheet.  You can then make your own copy of it – File > Make a copy.


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