Burnham Table Tennis League Rules


1.            Constitution

1.1.        Name. The name of the league (hereafter referred to as "the league", is the Burnham and District Table Tennis League.

1.2.        Object. The object for which the league is established as the promotion and furtherance of table tennis in the district and to increase the popularity of the game of table tennis.

1.3.        Affiliation. The League shall be affiliated to Table Tennis England (TTE) and the Essex County Table Tennis Association (ECTTA) and abide by their rules.

1.4.        Officers. The officers of the league shall be President. Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Fixture Secretary, Registration Secretary, Social Secretary, Team Handicap Secretary, Welfare Officer, Tournament Secretary and Press Publicity Officer, and such other roles as the Executive Committee shall see fit to introduce from time to time to enable the efficient administration of the League.

1.5.        Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of the league and four to eight other members.

2.            Membership

2.1.        Application. All applications for membership of the league must be made in writing to the Fixture Secretary by 31st July giving the particulars of the Club for consideration by the Executive Committee.

2.2.        Registration. All team registration fees shall be paid to the League by 1st September. The executive committee shall have the power to fine teams for late payment. All individual player registrations are to be made before playing a league match.

3.            Administration

3.1.        Executive Committee: The general administration of the business and management of the league shall be vested in an Executive Committee consisting of the officers of the league and between four and eight other members, all of whom shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting. The Chairman shall have a casting vote only. A quorum shall consist of five members of the executive committee.

3.2.        Meetings and Powers: The Executive Committee shall meet as required, but at least every two months throughout the year, and shall administer the affairs of the league and all competitions run under the auspices of the league. It shall have the power to impose sanctions (i.e., expulsion, suspension, fines, or games taken from offenders) on any Club found guilty of breaking the rules of the league and it shall decide on all complaints, protests and appeals made by clubs arising out of, and in connection with any competitive games or matches. It shall also have the power to decide anything upon which these rules are silent. Every decision and order of the Executive Committee shall be binding on all clubs and registered members, subject only to appeal to an Extraordinary General Meeting called in accordance with Rule 4.2 or to the County, in accordance with Rule 3.4.


3.3.        Subcommittees: The Executive Committee shall have power to form subcommittees and to co-opt members of the league onto these subcommittees.

3.4.        Appeals: Any individual or club aggrieved by a decision of the Executive Committee or officer of the league may appeal against such decision to ECTTA whose decision shall be finally binding on all parties. Any such appeal shall be made in writing to the General Secretary of ECTTA within 21 days of the decision appealed against and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee, as laid down in the County rule, which shall be returned if the adjudicating body consider the making of an appeal to have been justified (whatever the result). Either party of the appeal shall be entitled to be heard by the adjudicating body both in person and if so desired additionally by a representative who shall have been nominated in writing. Any individual or club aggrieved by a decision of the ECTTA or a Committee or officer of the ECTTA (except the determination of an appeal may appeal against such decision to the Board of Appeal of TTE.

3.5.        External Competitions: The Executive Committee shall have discretion in selecting and entering teams into County and National Competitions and abide by the rules governing those competitions.

4.            General Meeting

4.1.        AGM: The Annual General Meeting shall be held every year, not later than 30th June, and shall be the supreme governing body of the league. All members of the Executive Committee will be eligible for re-election.

4.2.        EGM: An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by the Executive Committee should they consider it necessary or, if the same should be desired, by at least 25% of the clubs affiliated, in which case it must be convened within 21 days of the receipt by the General Secretary of a request in writing subscribed to by those clubs making that request, stating the matters to be discussed.

4.3         Nominations for members of the executive committee should be made at the Annual General Meeting with a proposer and seconder and voted upon at the meeting.


4.4.        Meeting Notice: At least 10 days’ notice of any Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting must be given to affiliated clubs and members of the Executive Committee.

4.5.        Rule Changes: Any such suggested alterations to be made at an AGM must be made in writing and must reach the general secretary 4 weeks before the date of the AGM. The General Secretary will circulate the proposed rule changes not later than 14 days before the meeting to all affiliated clubs and executive committee members. Amendments can be raised and voted upon at the AGM.

4.6.        Voting: Voting at Annual or Extraordinary General Meetings shall be by simple majority of those members present on all matters except rule changes. For rule changes each club shall have one vole for each team registered with the league and each member of the Executive Committee and each Life Member shall also have one vote. No member may have more than one vote so for clubs to exercise their votes, a separate representative must vote for each team.

4.7.        Representation: All clubs shall have at least one member at the Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting. All clubs falling to comply with this rule shall be fined a sum of £15.00.

5.            Registration

5.1.        Club Registration: The registration fee for each team competing in the league is to be determined at Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.

5.2.        Individual Registration – Each player shall pay their individual registration fee to TTE and obtain a player licence number which must be registered with the league.

5.3.        Team Registration: Each player must be registered for a specific team within their club. Team registrations must be received in writing and approved by the Registrations Secretary before that player participates in a match. Each team must have a minimum of three registered players.

5.4.        Juniors/Veterans: Shall be defined by the current age set for TTE player licence fees.

5.5.        Applications: Applications for the registration of new players during a current season will be accepted up to and including 1st February. Only in exceptional circumstances will the executive Committee consider applications after this date.

5.6.        Eligibility: Only bona fide members of clubs affiliated to the league and holding a current TTE player member licence shall be eligible to compete in the league championships, individual championships, knockout competitions, or play-off matches sponsored by the league or as a representative player of the league. The Executive Committee shall decide what constitutes a bona fide member and shall have the authority to restrict or refuse at their discretion. Any club playing an unregistered player shall forfeit any games won by such a player.

6.            Competition League Championships

6.1.        Player Ranking: A player registered in a team may play for a higher-ranking team but not for a lower ranking team.


6.2.        If a player plays for a higher-ranking team having already won 6 or more games for higher ranking teams, then he/she automatically becomes registered for that team and may not play for a lower ranking team again. Conceded games or walkovers will not count toward the six games.

6.3.        No player can play against any other team in the league competition more than three times in a season unless the constitution deems that teams play each other three or more times in a season.

6.4.        Team Entry: The league Executive committee shall decide the constitution of the league after promotion and relegation takes place with the first placed team in a division promoted and the last placed team in a division relegated with the second placed team in a division given the option of being promoted and if they accept the team that was placed second from bottom in the division above will be relegated. Following this the league committee may consider any requests for placement of new clubs or teams other than in the bottom division should space be available. This rule could be overridden by changes to the constitution.

7.            Transfers

7.1.        Transfers: A player shall play for one club during a season unless officially transferred by the use of a transfer form obtainable from the Fixture Secretary. The date stated by the releasing team captain on the transfer form shall be deemed the transfer date. The transfer shall be effective from the date of receipt of the transfer form by the Fixture Secretary or the date stated on the transfer form whichever is latest. No transfers will be allowed after 1st February of each season.

8.            Match Procedure

8.1.        Team Constitution: Teams shall consist of neither less than three players nor more than five players. The three players for singles shall play each member of the other side one set, best of five games. In addition, two players (not necessarily the same as in singles) shall play a doubles match against two of the other side, one set, and best of five.

8.2.        Order of play. The following order of play shall be adhered to unless otherwise agreed by both captains. 1v2, 3v1, 2v3, 3v2, 1v3, 2v1, doubles, 3v3, 2v2, 1v1 (home team player first in each case).

8.3.        Umpiring: It is suggested that one member from each team shall alternately umpire the sets.

8.4.        League Points. A team shall be awarded a point for each set won.

8.5.        Breaking Ties. In the event of a tie on points at the end of the season, the team winning most matches will be placed higher. If teams are still level, the team losing least matches will be place higher. If teams are still level, the aggregate score of the matches between them shall decide who will be placed higher. In the event of them still being level, positions to be decided by play off.

8.6.        Start time and Order of Play: All matches shall commence at the times stated on the league website, but no later than 8.00pm unless mutually agreed and by that time both captains shall have completed the order of play on the score card which must not be altered without their consent. The home team captain shall enter this information on to the card first.


8.7.        Lateness: If no member of a team attends by 30 minutes after the stated commencement time, the first three games and corresponding points may go by default to the opposing team, providing all members of that team are present. If no member of a team attends 45 minutes after the stated commencement time, the first six games and corresponding points may go by default to the opposing team, providing all members of that team are present. If no member attends after 60 minutes, the whole of the match may go by default to the opposing team. In accordance with Rule 8.8, provided all members of that team are present. No player arriving after 60 minutes of the stated commencement time shall be eligible to participate in the match unless the consent of the opposing team captain is given.

8.8.        Concession: Any match conceded in advance of the scheduled start by a team unable to fulfil the fixture, or any match claimed under Rule 8.7 above shall have points awarded or deducted in accordance with the following:

8.8.1.     The defaulting team shall have 5 points deducted.

8.8.2.     The team not at fault will be awarded 7 points but this will be enhanced to the number of points attained in the return fixture, if greater than 7.

9.            League Matches

9.1.        Terms of Postponement: Postponement of matches shall not be permitted except in the following circumstances: (i) team players have been called upon to represent the league; (ii) the match venue has been allocated for use by the league; (iii) extreme weather conditions impede travel for the match; (iv) the match venue is unavailable for reasons outside the home club’s control; (v) the fixture is scheduled for a bank holiday; or (vi) in exceptional circumstances by agreement between both team captains and with the prior approval of the Fixture Secretary. Where a match is postponed, a new date must be agreed between both teams and communicated to the Fixture Secretary within 7 days of the original match date or else the Fixture Secretary shall have the right to refuse a postponement.

9.2.        Claiming Matches: If a team does not comply with match commencement times as laid out in Rule 8.7 then the opposition has the right to claim the match and points. Such claims shall be sent in writing with an explanation to the Fixture Secretary within 7 days of the schedule fixture date.

9.3.        Each team shall fix a night for all home matches and start time and notify this before 1st July.

9.4.        Transmitting Scorecards: After each match, the home team shall forward the completed score card to the Fixture Secretary as soon as possible but within no more than 7 days. Clubs may be fined £5 and/or docked points for late transmission.

9.5.        Change of Team Details: Any team changing its captain, captain's contact details, venue, or home night shall notify the Fixture Secretary and all other team captains in their division as soon as possible.


9.6.        Captains: The captain of each team will make sure their contact details are available on the league website and shall be responsible for the smooth running of the team in all league competitions.

9.7.        Season: The playing season shall be from 1st September to 30th April. All matches must be played before the end of the season.

9.8.        The Executive Committee shall have the power to order any match to be played or replayed or to take any steps necessary to see that the league functions in the interest of all players.

9.9.        Obligations: Any team failing to fulfil a fixture without prior consent of the Fixture Secretary shall be fined £5 for first offence and £10 for each subsequent offence. The Club is responsible for collection of fine and submission to the Fixture Secretary.

10.         Playing Conditions

10.1.      Lighting: No specified standard of lighting is required by the league.

10.2.      Tables: It is hoped that all clubs will endeavour to maintain a reasonable set of equipment including a standard table.

10.3.      Balls: ‘Three star’ balls of a make and type approved by TTE must be used for all matches.

10.4.      Apparel: Soft shoes and clothing as approved by TTE shall be worn during all matches.

11.         Closed Tournament

11.1.      Subcommittee: The championships shall be managed by the Tournament Subcommittee with the object of ensuring efficient administration, and they shall appoint a referee.

11.2.      Secretary: All business appertaining to the Championships shall be conducted through the Tournament Secretary, who shall be responsible for the collection of entrance fees, arrangements for playing of matches, and the general fulfilment of conditions imposed by the Tournament Subcommittee.

11.3.      Application: Application for entry to the championships shall be made to the Tournament Secretary by the closing date on the entry form. The entrance fee shall be as decided by the Tournament Subcommittee. Individual competitions shall be open to all players registered by the Burnham League. All players must have played at least 4 league or cup matches in the current season of the Burnham League to be eligible. Exceptional circumstances in this instance will be considered by the Tournament Subcommittee. These league matches must be played by the date of the individual closed championships.

11.4.      Format: The Competitions shall be conducted on knock-out or group principles, all games being the best of five.


11.5.      Events: The Competitions may cover the following events: Men’s Singles, Ladies’ Singles, Mixed Open Singles, Veteran’s Singles, Veteran’s Doubles, Junior Boys, Junior Girls, Men’s Doubles, Ladies’ Doubles, Mixed Doubles and Handicap Singles. Cadet Singles, Junior Doubles, Fambridge Trophy and Restricted Singles with such other events as the Executive Committee may from time to time approve.

11.6.      Eligibility for the Mixed Open Singles shall be restricted, at the discretion of the Tournament Subcommittee, to exclude either or both of:

(i) those players who are seeded for the Men’s Singles

(ii) a set number of players occupying the top positions in the TT365 Ranking List for the Burnham League

with the exact rules for qualification to be determined by the Tournament Subcommittee and published annually on the tournament entry form.

11.7.      The Restricted Singles (Dan Richardson Trophy) is only open to players eligible to play in Division 2 (or, should the Tournament Subcommittee so decide, players eligible to play in Division 2 or below) at the time of the tournament. The rules regarding eligibility for the Restricted Singles shall be published annually on the tournament entry form.

11.8.      Fambridge Trophy is only open to players eligible to play in division 3 or below at the time of the tournament.

11.9.      In the Open Handicap, when a deciding set is necessary, the change of ends shall be when either player reaches half the number of points they are required to score. Odd half points shall be ignored in this calculation.

11.10.    Cadets, Juniors, and Veterans will be as defined in rule 5.4

11.11.    A player withdrawing from a competition after their final match shall not be replaced,

11.12.    The Tournament Sub-Committee may adopt any method of playing off the Championships subject to the above conditions, conducive to the smooth running of the competitions.

12.         Team Handicap Competition

12.1.      Each team shall consist of three players, all of whom must be registered with the Burnham League. Registration for The Team Handicap Cup will be up to the starting date of the week of the second-round matches – any player registered after this date will be ineligible for the Team Handicap Cup for that season. Different players may represent the team in each round of the competition, but a player may not play for more than one team throughout the competition.

12.2.      Each player will be given a handicap, either plus or minus according to the player's ability, where plus signs play each other, the higher-ranking player will start at zero and the lower ranking player will start at the difference between the two handicaps, i.e. If plus 5 plays plus 11, then the higher-ranking player (plus 5) starts at zero and the lower ranking player (plus 11) starts at 6. In the case of a match between two players having a minus handicap. The lower ranking player will start at zero and the higher-ranking player will start at the difference between the two handicaps. I.e. If minus 5 plays minus 11, then the lower ranking player (-5) starts at zero and the higher ranking player (-11) starts at minus 6. In the case of a match between two players having opposite signs, each player will start at their allotted handicap i.e., lf minus 5 plays plus 11, then the higher-ranking player starts at minus 5 and the lower ranking player starts at 11. In doubles, the partners' handicaps are added together and then divided by two to obtain the pertinent handicap, ignoring any resulting half. All games are played up to 21 points. To simplify scoring when one player starts at a minus value, say minus 11 plays plus 5, the scoring can start at 5-0 In favour of the lower ranking player and when the higher-ranking player reaches 11 his score reverts to zero and the game continues until one player reaches 21. 1n this example, the lower ranking player would have to score 16 points and the higher-ranking player would have to score 32.

12.3.      If a third set becomes necessary, change of ends will be when either player reaches half the number of points he is required to score. In the previous example the lower ranking player has to score 16 points. He starts at 5, so change of ends would take place when he reaches 13. The higher-ranking player has to score 32 points. He starts at minus 11, so change of ends would take place when he reaches 5 after reverting to zero. An odd half should be ignored when calculating the number of points required to be scored.

12.4.      If the start is more than 15 points and a third set becomes necessary, the handicapped player shall have the choice of ends or service.

12.5.      One draw will be made at the commencement of the competition,

12.6.      Matches will be played at the home team's venue on the match night and start time set out in the league handbook. If for any reason the normal venue or match night Is not available, it is the responsibility of the home team captain to contact the away team at least 7 days prior to the Monday of the week allocated for the match to offer an alternative. This should be accepted by the away team. If the away team is unable to accept the date offered and an acceptable alternative cannot be found, the problem should be referred to the competition secretary

12.7.      The matches consist of six singles and three doubles. The home team will be lettered A B, C and the away team will be lettered X, Y, Z. Players will be entered on the score sheet in order of merit, The order of play will be B & C v X & Z, A v Y, B v X, C v Z, A & B v X & Y, C v Y, A v X, B v Z, A & C v Y & Z.

12.8.      At the mutual consent of both team captains, the match may be terminated in the event of one leam reaching a winning score. Where a match is stopped before all the games are completed by the mutual consent of both team Captains, and an irregularity is found, the result will be adjusted accordingly.

12.9.      Should this result ln the match result being a draw then the non-offending team will be declared the winners. Where cessation of the match was net mutually agreed, then the team not wishing to stop will be awarded all the outstanding games and the match result adjusted accordingly.

12.10.    It shall be the responsibility of the home captain to send the result sheet of the match to the competition secretary within seven days of the match being played. Failure to do so will result in a fine of £5 being imposed.

13.         Trophies

13.1.      All trophies awarded for events run by the League shall remain the property of the League and shall be competed for annually.

13.2.      The trophies shall be returned to the General Secretary or by request of the Executive Committee, and in any case not later than 31st March. The holders shall be responsible for the custody of the trophies, and in the event of any loss or damage, must undertake the appropriate replacement or repair. The League will be responsible to insure all trophies.

13.3.      Failure to comply with the above will result in disciplinary action by the Executive Committee.

13.4.      The above rules have been drawn by the League Committee and must be strictly adhered to. Failure to do so can mean suspension or expulsion from the League or a fine being imposed on the offending club or player.

14.         Life Members

The league management committee shall be responsible for nominating any new life members at the AGM which will then vote on the proposal. Life members may be removed should the management committee propose but this must also be passed by a vote of the AGM.

15.         The league Executive Committee shall be responsible for the control of the League in accordance with these rules, but all amendments shall be dealt with by an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting.



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