Dear all,
It is great excitement and anticipation that the resumption of league table tennis is rapidly approaching.
I write to advise you the current position regarding the forthcoming season and the decisions, often difficult ones, made by the Executive committee on our proposed way forward for the 2021-2 season.
Currently we envisage:-
A 7 division league, 1 division less than the 2019-20 season.
Doubles will be played.
Start date will be week commencing Monday 4th October.
The leagues and fixture matrix will be published in early September after intense scrutiny and verification.
There will be no handbooks distributed this year.
No cup competitions or tournaments will take place next season so that full focus can be given to league play.
We will be holding an AGM on Monday 13th September, full detail to follow, following this meeting trophy presentations for the 2019-20 season will be made and score books and balls can be acquired.
All of the above are still subject to change if appropriate, however hopefully if any changes are necessary they will be minimal.
A major factor in ensuring smooth return of league play in October will be that all players are correctly registered with club, league and Table Tennis England, therefore from an individual and club level could you please ensure that all players wishing to play have renewed their memberships as soon as possible. Any BDTTA team and player fees paid in the 2020-21 season are being carried over into next season.
Finally I would like to thank the entire Executive Committee for their efforts during these unprecedented times to ensure a successful return to play, and a special thanks to Brian & Clive Ellison for the monumental task of dealing with TTE, Sports80 and club secretaries in order to get us to the positive position we are now.
Hope to see you at the AGM or if not sometime throughout the season.
Andy Elliott
BDTTA Chairman