1. Chairman's welcome
2. Apologies for absence
3. Minutes of the 2014 AGM & any matters arising therefrom
4. Chairman’s opening comments
5. General Secretary’s Summary of 2014-5 season
6. Current position of our Finances
7. Officers Reports, if produced
a) Winter League - Divisional Result Secretaries
b) Summer League
c) Inter-League
d) Hard Bat Championships
e) Closed Championships
f) Junior Closed Championships
g) Web Site
h) Social-Quiz
8. Re-election of Officers and Honorary Auditor
9. Rule changes (1 only)
It is proposed by the Executive Committee that, with effect from the 2015-6
Season, once a player has won 6 matches in a higher team, he/she he will no
longer be able to play for the team that he/she was originally registered for
10. Any Other Business - Any Sdttl Member, who has something that
they would like added to Any Other Business, please email me
Items for AOB so far are:-
a) The New Ball
b) Result of the Vote for or against Doubles in the Winter League
c) Agree Fees for next season
d) Agree Inter League Teams for next Season
e) Sand Paper Bats in the Premier Division next Season
f) If there are only 10 or 11 Teams in Division 3 next Season, this Division to run outside the 365 System and each Team to play each other 3 times to remove the long gaps in matches that there were this Season. Proposed by Ken Field
30th May 2015
Jayne Johnson
General Secretary
Southend & District Table Tennis League
Author: Ylber Makolli via Southend Table Tennis League
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