SDTTL are running an additional competition, alongside the normal league fixtures.

It is a knockout handicap competition called The Charity Shield. Each round will take place during a 4-week period throughout the season. It will be very different and unusual, and I hope you will be able to support it.

  It will feature teams of three players. As this is a handicap competition players will be allowed to play for a higher or lower team for this competition only.   Each team will nominate a charity to play for.

  The league has generously supported this with a donation of £200 to the winning team’s nominated charity.

Each match will consist of  9 singles + 1 doubles (worth 2 points). Each game will be the first to 41 points . The handicaps are calculated using your individual rating from  SDTTL ratings on the website as stated on the day of the match, and the handicap is calculated from the chart provided. All players in the SDTTL are invited, the closing date for entries is 30th September 2024.


1. Matches will be between teams of three players, each playing one game up to 41 points, against each member of the opposing team which will be worth 1 pt + 1 doubles which will be worth 2pts.

2. A handicap is calculated by subtracting the lower ranking from the higher ranking and using the table to find the handicap. The higher-ranked player always starts a game on 0.

3. The doubles teams are to be chosen after the 3rd game and played in the 5th game. This gives an opportunity to calculate the handicap whilst the 4th game is being played.

A doubles team’s handicap is decided by adding the team's two players' ratings together and dividing by 2. Then subtract the lowest combined rating from the highest and use the table to find the handicap. Change servers at the change-over point.

( see example on the score sheet )

4. The winner of the match will be the first team to 6 points. The remaining games can be played out.

5. A game is deemed to be complete when either player has scored 41 points. This means that a player can win 41-40.

6. All games will start with the highest rated player starting at 0. The other player will start at a score relative to the difference in the ratings of the players (between 0 and 39). A table is provided to enable the calculation of the starting point of the lower-rated player. Note: This must be calculated each time as both players' rankings determine the start point.

7. Service will change after each multiple of 2 (two) points scored, including the starting score (so if the starting point of the lower rated player is an even number then the first person serving will have 2 serves, if an odd number the first person serving will have 1 serve. From that point on serves will change every 2 serves.

8. Players will change ends during the game. The end change always takes place when the first player reaches their change end point. The higher-rated player always has a change end point of 20, and the lower-rated player has a change end point related to their starting point, as provided in the table.

9. All matches to be completed by the end of round date.
10. Teams can recruit extra players, so long as they are not cup-tied.

Individual ratings

Ratings :
Your rating is taken from the current ratings from the District 365 site.

Your rating will fluctuate during the season, based on results of 'official' games played (either in SDTTL league or affiliated competitions.)

SDTTL Ratings Rab

Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 21.34.50

Example of a Handicap Score Sheet

Screenshot 2024-09-06 at 21.35.57


Blank Handicap Scoresheet link:

Blank Score card 1.1.pdf

If you need any further help on any issues relating to this Handicap Competition please email Brian Bissenden here.


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