1.1This League shall be called "The Chelmsford and District Table Tennis League" (C&DTTL) and is hereinafter referred to as "the League".  In any season where the League is sponsored the name or title of the Sponsor may be added to the title of the League.  The League shall be affiliated to the English Table Tennis Association (ETTA) and to the Essex County Table Tennis Association (ECTTA).
1.2The objectives of the League shall be to promote the game of table tennis as a social, recreational and competitive sport for all.


League Membership

The following shall be members of the League:

  • Life Members;
  • Elected Officers;
  • Clubs, through their authorised representative, registered with the League in accordance with Rule 2.2 and 2.3 below;
  • Individual players registered with the league in accordance with Rule 5.3.
2.2All clubs that wish to be registered with the League shall make an application in writing to the General Secretary before 1 July immediately preceeding the playing season in question.  The application must be accompanied by the appropriate subscription.  Inclusion of a Club's teams in the League Competition will indicate acceptance of the registration, which will last until the following 30 June.
2.3The amount of the annual subscription for registration with the League as a member Club shall be determined by the members of the League in General Meeting and shall remain in force until amended by General Meeting.  The amount shall vary according to the number of teams entered for the League Competition and will include relevant affiliation fees.


3.1.1The Officers of the League shall consist of President, Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary and Treasurer, all of whom shall retire annually, to be elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
3.2Management Committee:
3.2.1For the general administration of the business of the League and for the government of the League, a Management Committee consisting of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Divisional Secretary, Competitions Secretary, Tournament Organiser, Coaching Officer, Junior Match Secretary, Press Officer, Registrations Officer, Welfare Officer and up to six members, shall be elected at the AGM.
3.2.2The Management Committee shall meet as required, but at least every two months during the playing season, and shall administer affairs of the League and all competitions run under the auspices of the League.  It shall have the power to fine any Club found guilty of breaking the Rules of the League, up to a maximum of £50 for any one offence, and it shall decide all appeals and protests made by Clubs arising out of and in connection with any competitive games or matches.  It shall have the power to decide anything upon, which these  Rules are silent.  Every decision and order of the Management Committee shall be binding upon all members of the League, subject only to a Special General Meeting called in accordance with Rule 4.2.
3.2.3The Management Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional persons to assist in any part of the administration of the League.
3.2.4The Management Committee shall have discretion in entering teams into County and National competitions.  They shall select teams to fulfil all engagements and shall be responsible for any arrangements necessary to the smooth running of any fixture.
3.2.5At least seven days notice shall be given to the members of the Management Committee of any meetings of the Committee.
3.2.6A meeting of the Management Committee shall be considered invalid unless a quorum is present.  For this purpose a quorum shall consist of at least one third of the elected members of that Committee.
3.2.7Urgent business may be considered by an Emergency Committee, consisting of Chairman, Vice-Chairman, General Secretary and Treasurer.  The Committee shall have executive powers.  Any decision must be reported to the Management Committee at the earliest opportunity.


General Meetings
4.1The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held during May.
4.2A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be convened by the Management Committee should they consider it necessary, or if the same should be desired by one-third of the member Clubs.
4.3All members of the League shall be entitled to attend and vote at General Meetings.  Voting shall be by simple majority of those members of the League present on all matters except Rule changes for which each member Club shall have one vote for each team registered with the League and each member of the Management Committee and each Life Member shall have one vote.  No member may have more than one vote.  For Clubs to exercise their votes, a separate representative of the Club present who is a member of the League must vote for each team.
4.4Every decision of every AGM or SGM shall be final and conclusive and shall be binding on all members of the League and shall be accepted by all such members as being the voice of the whole League.
4.5Life Members 

Life Members may be elected at the discretion of the AGM, upon recommendation of the Management Committee.

 4.5.2 If any Life Member should bring the game into disrepute or there is an event not in the best interests of the game the Management Committee will have the power to recommend to members at the AGM that Life Membership be withdrawn from that person with immediate effect.
4.6At least seven days notice of any AGM or SGM must be given to all member Clubs, which notice shall also include any proposed alterations or amendment of the Rules of the League.
4.7Any Club failing to be represented at such Meeting shall be liable to a fine of £10.  This fine may be waived if, on appeal in writing to the Management Committee, the offending Club can show that the non attendance was due to exceptional circumstances.
4.8Where a Club, which has been fined according to Rule 4.7, does not apply for membership the following season and the fine remains unpaid, those members of that Club that were registered with that Club shall be liable for the payment of the outstanding fine before being permitted to register with another Club in the League.
4.9A General Meeting shall be considered invalid unless a quorum is present.  For this purpose a quorum shall be attendance in person by the authorised representative of at least 50% of member Clubs.  No person shall represent more than one such Club. 


Competitions - General
5.1The playing season shall extend from September to April.
5.2The Management Committee shall have power to introduce at any time Competitions calculated to add interest to the League's activities.
5.3.1All players must be registered annually with the League in a manner prescribed by the Management Committee.  Only players registered shall be allowed to play in competitive games organised by the League. 
5.3.2To be eligible to play in competitive games organised by the League a player must be affiliated to the ETTA as a player member.
5.3.3A player's date of registration shall be the date of acceptance of the request for registration by the Registrations Officer.  That date shall be determined by the Registrations Officer and will normally be the date on which a complete and successful request for registration is received.
5.3.4The fee or fees for registration shall be determined by members in General Meeting.  These shall include the cost of the League Handbook.  These fees may be adjusted if required when a levy is imposed by the ETTA or the ECTTA, but otherwise shall remain in force until adjusted by members in General Meeting.
5.3.5A reduced fee may be determined for persons under 18.
5.3.6A player shall not be eligible to play in any competition until the eighth day from the date of registration counting that day as day one.  Any club playing an ineligible player shall forfeit any game won by such player.
5.3.7Requests for registration shall not be accepted after 1st March in the current season except at the discretion of the Management Committee
5.4Playing Conditions:
5.4.1All matches shall be played in accordance with the ETTA Approved Laws of Table Tennis. In this respect, unless otherwise specified, an individual (singles or doubles) match shall comprise the best of an odd number of games in accordance with ETTA law 2.12.1. A team match shall comprise a prescribed number of individual matches.
5.4.2All matches must be played with the ball or balls currently adopted by the ETTA.
5.4.3 All matches must be played using rackets in accordance with the ETTA Approved Laws of Table Tennis. A racket shall not be changed during an individual match unless it is accidently damaged so badly that it cannot be used.

All team matches shall be played on one table only unless the Management Committee has agreed that in exceptional circumstances more than one table can be used.

5.4.5The umpires for each individual match shall be agreed upon mutually, and scoring shall be generally undertaken alternatively by a member of the home and visiting teams.  In the case of disputes as to who should umpire, the visiting team shall have the choice. In case of a disputed point, the umpire's decision shall be final. 
5.4.6In all tournaments and matches players must ensure that the main colour of their shirt, skirt or shorts, other than sleeves and collar of a shirt, shall be clearly different from that of the ball in use. Markings or trimmings on the front or side of a player’s garment and objects such as jewellery worn by a player shall not be so conspicuous or brightly reflecting as to unsight an opponent’. (ITTF Rules &
5.5Playing Times:
5.5.1All team matches shall start not later than 7.30 p.m. unless mutually agreed.  Where team matches commence after 7.30 p.m., or the agreed starting time, the defaulting team shall forfeit any individual matches not completed by 11 p.m., unless the Team Captains concerned otherwise decide.  Where no members of a team arrive before 8 p.m., and this has not been mutually agreed, the opposing team may claim the team match.
5.6Venue Change:
5.6.1In exceptional circumstances it is permissible to change the venue of a team match, but permission must be obtained from the Divisional, or Competitions Secretary as appropriate.  When the venue of a team match is changed under the provisions of this Rule the "Home" and "Away" teams shall remain as scheduled.  When a change of venue necessitates a change of date the team match must be played during the week of the original fixture.
5.7.1In exceptional circumstances a team match may be re-arranged, but permission must first be obtained from the Divisional or Competitions Secretary, as appropriate.
5.7.2A team seeking a postponement must give at least seven days notice to their opponents and to the Divisional or Competitions Secretary.  In the event of a team match being postponed, the home team shall within 14 days of the date of the team match, offer to the away team two alternative dates giving at least 14 days notice of the earlier date offered, and the away team shall, within 7 days of being notified, accept one of these dates.
5.7.3A Club may seek permission from the Divisional or Competitions Secretary as appropriate, to re-arrange a team match when a team member is selected to represent the League, Essex County or England, or selected to play for a team in the British League (at any level) in a match being played on the same day as the member's team match.  Where permission is granted by the appropriate Secretary, the home team shall offer the away team two alternative dates giving at least 14 days notice of the earlier date offered and the away team shall within 7 days of being notified, accept one of these dates.
5.7.4Inability to play the team's strongest players, or to field a full side, will not be considered sufficient reason for rearranging a match, other than stated in paragraph 5.7.3 or 5.7.5.
5.7.5Where a team is unable to field a full side due to exceptional circumstances, a postponement may be granted provided the opposing team agree.  Agreement of the re-arranged date must be given in writing to the Divisional or Competitions Secretary by both teams at least 1 week prior to the original date.
5.7.6Where postponement is granted, only players eligible on the original date shall be qualified for the re-arranged team match.
5.8Unfulfilled Fixtures:
5.8.1If for exceptional reasons a team is unable to fulfil a team match, the Committee can, after considering the reasons, order the match to be played or take other steps necessary to see that the League functions in the interests of all players.
5.8.2In the event of any team not fulfilling a fixture in accordance with the foregoing, its opponents shall be awarded the team match.
5.9Incomplete Team Matches:
5.9.1In all Competitions organised by the League each team match shall be played to a finish.  Where a team match is not completed for any reason, the facts must be submitted to the Divisional or Competitions Secretary when the result is sent in who shall make an award or report the facts to the Management Committee.
5.9.2Where a report is made to the Management Committee they may call upon the persons involved for further explanation. They shall have the power to order the team match to be replayed, or to take any other steps necessary to see that the League functions in the interests of all players.
5.10Score Cards
5.10.1The home team Secretary must ensure that the results of any match are forwarded to the Divisional or Competitions Secretary, as appropriate, giving full details on the card provided for the purpose.  If a card is not received by the appropriate Secretary within 10 days of the date on which the match was played, then:
a) In the case of a League Competition match three points shall be deducted from the current points total of the home team for each occurrence of a late card.
b) In the case of a Team Knockout Competition match, the match will be awarded to the away team unless the non-receipt of the card can be shown to be be due to circumstances beyond the control of the home team.  For the avoidance of doubt simple failure to ensure that the card is transmitted in a timely manner will not constitute such circumstances.


League Competition
6.1.1The League shall consist of as many Divisions as deemed necessary by the Management Committee.
6.1.2A Division may consist of two sections, each of equivalent strength.
6.1.3In the case of a Club entering more than one team in the League, any such teams shall be played strictly in order of merit.
6.2.1A player of a lower ranking team may play for a higher ranking team until he/she has won 5 or more singles matches for a higher-ranking team.  Only singles matches won on the table count towards the number of singles wins, and not singles matches conceded.  When a player plays for a higher-ranking team after the team match in which the fifth singles win is gained he/she will automatically become a member of that higher-ranking team.  When a player becomes a member of a higher-ranking team by virtue of this rule he/she will not be permitted to play for a lower ranking team either on that date or for the remainder of the season in question, unless reinstated by the Management Committee.
6.2.2Where a player becomes a member of a team by virtue of Rule 6.2.1, that Rule shall continue to apply.  Any singles matches which the player has previously won playing for a team or teams of higher ranking than the one of which he/she becomes a member shall continue to count for the purposes of Rule 6.2.1
6.2.3A player of a higher ranking team is not eligible to compete in a lower ranking team without permission of the Management Committee.
6.2.4When transfer to a lower ranking team has been approved, all singles wins played in a higher ranking team shall count against the player for the purposes of Rule 6.2.1.
6.2.5Where a Club has more than one team in a Division substitutions in accordance with Rule 6.2.1 to 6.2.4 shall only be permitted between those teams when one of them is the lowest ranked team of the Club.
6.2.6No player may act as a substitute under this Rule if:-
that player would become a member of a higher ranking team by virtue of Rule 6.2.1, and the team of which the player was a member would then have less than three registered players.  Any substitution that is in breach of this Rule will be treated as if it had not taken place and any individual matches won by that player in that match shall be forfeit.
6.3Player Registration:
6.3.1Every Club shall upon registration nominate each player to a team.  A player may not be nominated for more than one team.  On the date of their first scheduled team match each team shall have at least three nominated players who are both registered and eligible to play.  Any team failing to comply with this requirement shall forfeit all scheduled matches until such time as the requirement is met.
6.3.2Where in the view of the Registrations Officer or Divisional Secretary a player is nominated for a team beneath his normal playing standard and the same club has teams at a higher standard that player may be re-registered to such higher team as those Officers determine unless advised of exceptional circumstances at the time of registration justifying the lower level.
6.4Match Play:
6.4.1Teams in all Divisions shall consist of three players.
6.4.2Before the commencement of a team match, the home team captain shall declare to the visiting captain the players of the home team and clearly identify the order in which they will play, and the visiting captain shall then declare to the home captain the players of the visiting team and clearly identify their playing order.
6.4.3.Subject to Rule 5.7 each team match in the League Competition shall be played on the date set by the Scheduled Fixture List.  It shall consist of ten individual matches, nine singles and one doubles.  Each individual match shall be the best of 5 games.  The order of pay shall be: 1 v 2, 3 v 1, 2 v 3, 3, v 2, 1 v 3, 2 v 1, Doubles, 3 v 3, 2 v 2, 1 v 1
6.4.4One point shall be awarded for each individual match won, awarded or gained by concession and all points shall count for the purpose of determining League Positions in accordance with Rule 6.5.1. a team is incomplete one point will be awarded to the opposing side for each individual match which cannot be played. both teams are incomplete any set which cannot be played or awarded will be declared void.
6.5League Positions:
6.5.1The number of points gained shall determine positions in each Division of the League.  In the event of two or more teams having the same number of points, the team winning the most team matches shall be placed higher.  If the teams are still equal, the team losing the least number of team matches shall be placed higher.  In the event that this fails to resolve the leadership, runners-up or relegation positions in any Division, a deciding match shall be played.
6.5.2At the end of the season, if possible, the two bottom teams in each Division shall be relegated to the next Division and the top two teams shall be promoted to the next Division.
6.6Team Application:
6.6.1All teams successfully applying to join the League shall be placed in the lowest Division of the League.  In the event of vacancies occuring in higher Divisions, the Management Committee shall have power to select teams to fill these vacancies from any Divisions, including new teams, giving particular attention to the strength of each team under consideration.
6.7Team Withdrawal:
6.7.1In the event of any Club or Team withdrawing from the League before completing the whole of its team matches, such Club's or Team's records shall be completely expunged from the Divisional table.
6.8Match Dates:
6.8.1When a team is compelled to change the scheduled date of its home team matches the Club Secretary concerned shall, as soon as possible, notify in writing the revised dates to the Secretaries of all other Clubs affected, and to the Divisional and General Secretaries.  Additionally the captain of each team which has changed the scheduled dates of its home team matches shall, within a period of 7 to 14 days prior to the revised date of each team match, contact the captain of the away team, to remind him/her of the revised date.
6.8.2The re-arranged date referred to in Rule 5.7.5 shall be no later than the last date of the League season approved by the Management Committee and stated in the playing schedule on the League's Website.
6.8.3Where a team match is not played by the final date stated on the League's Website no points shall be awarded to either team.


Team Knockout Competitions
7.1.1Team Knockout competitions shall be open to all Clubs registered with the League
7.1.2The competitions may cover such events as determined by the League Management Committee, including but not limited to Open, Handicap, Divisional and age-determined Team Knockout Competitions.
 7.1.3 For the purpose of Divisional or similar competitions teams shall consist only of players registered to play in that Division of the league in which they are registered. Where a player becomes a member of a team in a higher Division than the competition name they shall cease to be eligible for that competition.
7.1.4 Any competition that fails to attract more than two entries shall be declared void for the season.
7.1.5Entry to Knockout Competitions shall be by completion and submission to the Competitions Secretary by the stated closing date of the prescribed entry form with such fee, determined by the Management Committee, as is stated therein. Each club shall specify the home night for each of the teams entered, which night shall remain in force during the coming season.
7.1.6Clubs may enter as many teams as desired in each competition, and all such teams shall be played in order of merit, i.e. the "A" team shall be the strongest team and each subsequent team shall be played in descending order of merit.
7.1.7Proposed dates for the final round of each competition shall be determined and advertised at the beginning if each playing season.
7.2Cup Draw:
7.2.1All rounds shall be drawn separately by the Management Committee, and the draw circularised to the appropriate Club Secretaries.  In each case, the team drawn first shall be the Home team.  The final of each competition shall be played at a neutral venue.
7.2.2A date shall be specified for the completion of each round at the time of the circularisation of the draw and failure to play the match within this time may result in the award of the match against the offender.
7.2.3Where the home team has limited availability of premises on date only may be offered if the Competition Secretary agrees.
7.2.4 Failure to set a date in accordance with this Rule or to play the match on the agreed date may result in the award of the match against the defaulting team.
7.3.1No player shall play for more than one team in each competition.
7.3.2In the case of all Competitions except the Handicap Competition, teams shall consist of three players, arranged strictly in order of merit.  This order, once determined, shall remain unchanged for the duration of the Competition although alternative players may be allowed in later rounds provided they are inserted in order of merit.
7.3.3Any team failing to play a lady in a Mixed Knockout match shall forfeit that match.
7.3.4In competitions where a team attends with only 2 players those players shall, subject to Rule 7.4, be A and B or X and Y.
7.3.5No player shall be eligible to play in the Final of a team knockout competition unless they have played that season under the jurisdiction of the League in at least 10 team matches, or have played in league matches of at least one third of the number played by the team for which they are currently registered.  
7.3.6Where the one third calculation in Rule 7.3.5 results in a fraction the next higher number shall be taken a the qualifying number of league matches played.
7.3.7Where the total entry of an event exceeds 8 teams, Rue 7.3.5 shall apply also to the semi-final rounds.
7.3.8Where semi-finals or finals are played before the end of the season the number of league matches played to this date by the team for which the player is registered shall be taken as the number for the one third qualification in Rule 7.3.5.
7.4Playing Order:

Each player shall play two singles and two doubles, making a total of nine individual matches.  Each individual match shall consist of the best of five games.  Order of play to be as follows:

One Doubles - B/C v X/Z
Three Singles - A v Y, B v X, C v Z One Doubles - A/B v X/Y
Three Singles - C v Y, B v Z, A v X
One Doubles - A/C v Y/Z
In Mixed Knockout matches, the lady shall always be C or Z.

7.5Handicap Competition:
7.5.1In the case of the Handicap Competition teams shall consist of three players.  Each player shall play three singles making a total of nine individual matches.  The order of pay shall be:
C v Z, A v Y, B v X, C v Y, B v Z, A v X, B v Y, C v X, A v Z.
Each individual match will be the best of three games.  Each game shall be won by the player reaching 21 with at least two clear points in the usual way.  Each player will be given a handicap which may be positive, negative, or zero, higher ranking players having negative handicaps and lower ranking players positive handicaps.


Individual Championships
8.1.1All business appertaining to the Competitions shall be conducted through the Tournament Organiser, who shall be responsible for the collection of entrance fees, arrangements for playing of ties, and the general fulfilment of conditions imposed by the Management Committee, and these Rules.
8.1.2The Management Committee may adopt any method for playing off the Championships, subject to the above conditions, conducive to the smooth running of the Competitions.
8.2.1The Competitions may cover the following events:
Men's Singles, Men's Doubles, Ladies Singles, Ladies Doubles, Mixed Doubles, Handicap Singles, Handicap Doubles, Division 2 Singles, Division 3 Singles, Division 4 Singles, Division 5 Singles, Under 14 Singles, Under 16 Singles, Junior Boys Singles, Junior Girls Singles, Junior Doubles, Junior Handicap Singles, Veterans Singles, Veterans Doubles, Over 50 Singles, Over 60 Singles, with such other events as the Committee may from time to time approve
8.3Entrance Fees and Qualifications:
8.3.1Entry to the Individual Competitions shall be open only to registered players of the League. Applications for entry shall be submitted to the Tournament Organiser on the prescribed form by the stated closing date accompanied by the entrance fee.  The Management Committee shall determine the amount of the entrance fee and this will be stated on the entry form.

Applications will be accepted only from  Applicants who have played in a total of at last three of their team’s/club’s League or Knockout Competition matches before the closing date for entries to the Individual Competition. Players registered in the CLICK competition may enter the junior events if they have played in at least one CLICK competition match before the closing date for entries to the Individual Competition.

8.3.2The Division 2 Singles, Division 3 Singles, Division 4 Singles and Division 5 Singles shall be restricted to those players who, at the date of the Championships, are registered to play in that Division of the League.  Such players may also play in the event for the Division immediately above their Division in which they are registered.    
8.4Late entries will only be allowed at the discretion of the Management Committee and as a general rule no late entries will be allowed after the draw for the Competition has been completed.


9.1Any player desiring a transfer from one Club to another during the playing season shall submit a written request to the Registrations Officer stating the reasons for the request.  Where the transfer is approved the date of approval shall apply for the operation of Rule 5.3.  The new club must nominate the player to a team and Rule 6.3 shall apply.


League Trophies
10.1When any permanent trophy is handed to the Winner(s) of any event, that person, or persons, or Club, shall become liable for the safe keeping of that trophy, and in the event of any loss or damage must undertake the appropriate replacement or repair.
10.2All trophies to be returned in reasonable condition to the General Secretary or such Officer as the Committee may decide, upon demand.


League Awards
11.1At the end of each season an award may be considered by the Management Committee to be given to any player who has played in representative League matches.
11.2The Management Committee shall have the power to withdraw any award in the event of conduct not in the best interests of the game.
11.3Honorary awards may be made at the discretion of the AGM upon recommendation of the Management Committee.


12.1The Financial Year shall run from May 1st to April 30th.
12.2An account of receipts and payments for the year shall be presented at the AGM. The accounts shall have been examined by a suitable person appointed at the previous AGM.
12.3Should the account show a deficiency in the year's workings, all member Clubs may be called upon to contribute towards such deficiency, in proportion to the number of teams entered in the League. This shall apply to all Clubs and Teams whether remaining in membership the following season or not.


Summer League
13.1A Competition may be held between May and July of each year referred to in this Rule as "The Summer League".
13.2A Sub-Committee of three persons shall be appointed by the League, and will be responsible for all matters pertaining to the Summer League.  One member shall act as Secretary and shall be an elected member of the Management Committee of the League (Rule 3.2).  The Sub-Committee shall submit regular reports to the Management Committee.
13.3Current regulations relating to the Summer League shall be circulated, with invitations to participate, to all interested parties.


14.1.1Any dispute arising out of League Competitions or the interpretation of any Rule pertaining to those Competitions shall be decided by the Divisional or Competitions Secretary, as appropriate. If any decision is unacceptable, the aggrieved party shall have the right of appeal to the Management Committee.
14.1.2Any other dispute or complaint or breach of these Rules shall be addressed to the General Secretary, who shall report the matter to the Management Committee for decision.
14.2.1No alteration to these Rules shall be made except at the AGM or at a SGM called in accordance with Rule 4.
14.2.2All suggested alterations must be made in writing to the General Secretary, and must reach him/her at least 28 days before the date of the AGM or SGM, unless such alterations are desired or recommended by the Management Committee.
14.3Definitions for the purpose of these Rules, and all competitions or events operated by the League which have a specified age qualification, the following shall apply
14.3.1If in order to qualify a player is required to be over a specified age, the player must reach or have reached the specified age by December 31st of the playing season in question.
14.3.2If in order to qualify a player is required to be under a specified age, the player must be under the specified age on December 31st of the playing season in question.
14.3.3Any reference to Junior relates to or is concerned with persons Under 18 and any reference to Veteran relates to or is concerned with persons Over 40.


Conduct & Discipline
15.1Any member of the League may be reported to the Management Committee for any breach of these Rules or if their conduct is considered inappropriate. Reports must be made in writing to the General Secretary.
15.2The Management Committee shall investigate the report and if upheld consider what sanction is applicable including expulsion from the League.
15.3Any member expelled from the League shall take no further part in any Competition organised by the League from that time unless and until reinstated and any subscription paid shall be forfeit.
15.4Any member subject to a report under this Rule shall be advised of the proceedings and have the right to attend in person and put their case to the Management Committee who shall decide the matter.
15.5The Management Committee shall send details of their decision in writing to both the person making the report and the subject of that report.  If either party is dissatisfied with that decision they may appeal in writing to the General Secretary of the ECTTA within 7 days of the notice of decision.


16.1Any member Club acting through its authorised representative may call for the dissolution of the League by giving notice in writing to the General Secretary. 
16.2On receipt of such notice a SGM shall be convened within twenty eight days of receipt, the purpose of which shall be solely to decide the motion by vote.
16.3Voting at the SGM shall be the same as for Rule changes in accordance with Rule 4.3 (and Rules 4.7 and 4.9 shall apply).
16.4In the event that a motion to dissolve the League is carried the Management Committee shall, by a date specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets and discharges the debts and liabilities of the League.  
16.5Any remaining assets after discharging all debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to a voluntary organisation agreed by the SGM having objectives similar to those of the League.


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